Do you enjoy baking? So keep in mind these 5 tips of Chef Pankaj Bhadauria

Many people basically enjoy baking. Apart from being an obsession, it is also a kind of therapy that keeps them happy and helps relieve stress. Many people like to channel their creativity into baking. However, at times, even after trying your best, the results may not be as encouraging. Sometimes the food burns or doesn’t bloat. So, what can be done when someone goes wrong in the process and needs correction? Chef Pankaj Bhadauria shares 5 things a person must know before starting baking. Read on to know what those tips are.

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1) All your content at . should be room temperature

Room temperature is extremely important when it comes to baking. So, make sure all your ingredients are at room temperature before you start baking.

2) Measure your ingredients properly

Baking is a process in which accuracy is of utmost importance. The weight of each ingredient goes a long way in delivering the desired results.

3) Always preheat the oven

You should preheat the oven before baking. This process can actually affect the texture and taste of food.

4) Arrange your pan correctly and neatly in advance

You should come prepared with all your ingredients in advance and that includes a well arranged pan.

5) Never mix too much

You need to be very careful while baking. You cannot afford to over-mix any of the ingredients as it may not give you the correct output.

Take a look at the video here:

A few weeks ago, Chef Pankaj Bhadauria shared a vital tip to fix the extra spice in your food. Many times we unknowingly add a lot of chillies while cooking. And lastly it does not go well with our taste buds. So, here is the tip that will help you. Pankaj suggests adding any milk product to the dish. Maybe you can add some milk, yogurt or cream to reduce the effects of chili. read more about Here,

Keep these baking and cooking tips and tricks in mind whenever you head into the kitchen.