Do you know that applying too much henna can damage your hair? Know its side effects

By applying more henna, split ends start to break.

Applying too much henna can spoil the texture of the hair.

Many people apply henna to their hair to nourish their hair and make them look attractive. But most of them are not aware that using henna in excess can harm their hair. This is true for any product. If you continue to use too much of any product then it may give you unwanted results, which may cause a lot of damage. Your hair may look silky and shiny immediately after applying henna, but it will eventually become dry and brittle. Henna contains a certain dye called Lawson, which is a type of keratin.

Lawsone slowly penetrates the outer layer of the hair, binds itself to the proteins of the hair, and produces an instant stain. But it makes the hair excessively dry. So, let us have a look at the various side effects of applying too much henna.

1. Loss in hair texture:

Excessive use of henna can make your hair dry and brittle, which leads to early hair breakage. Applying henna spoils the texture of your hair. This results in coarse hair leading to excessive hair loss.

2. Loss of hair color:

By applying henna to black hair, the hair starts to look natural maroon. But many people use henna to color gray hair. Applying henna on gray hair will help in changing the texture.

3. Wrong application can cause hair damage:

If good quality henna is applied properly then there is no harm to the hair. But, poor quality or improperly applied henna can strip hair of its natural oils. This often leads to dry, damaged hair with an irritated scalp. Using henna regularly can lead to uneven or dry hair.

4. Split ends

Some researchers and experts claim that henna, which is widely available in the market, can permanently damage your hair. The synthetic ingredients found in henna can cause redness on your scalp.