Does Bigfoot exist? US man claims he saw 2 animals that resemble mythical creatures

Frightened by the mysterious beast, Mark and his friend went numb for a moment, but soon their nerves returned.

Frightened by the mysterious beast, Mark and his friend went numb for a moment, but soon their nerves returned.

Mark recalled that both animals were about 15 feet long and that when he first believed them to be bears, he soon realized they were not.

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We have all heard stories about mysterious creatures living in the jungle, but for most of us, their existence has been confined to fictional stories only as there is no solid evidence that tells otherwise. However, an American bow hunter recently claimed to have seen two mysterious animals that resemble big toes during a hunting expedition with a friend.

Describing his encounter on the Sasquatch Stories podcast, a hunter named Mark said he came into close proximity with the creatures. As Dailystar reports, he recalled that it all started when he first heard ‘crazy’ sounds coming from the river, but before he could find the source of the sounds, one of the creatures approached him.

Frightened by the mysterious beast, Mark and his friend went numb for a moment, but soon their nerves returned. He ran to a viewing stand in the trees to save his life.

Mark recalled that both animals were about 15 feet long and that when he first believed them to be bears, he soon realized they were not.

He described the sounds made by the creatures and said that it sounded like “two T. Rex are going at it” and that you could hear hoarse and growl. He admitted that he and his friends were horrified after taking a good look at the creatures.

Mark remembered that the creature’s hands were so big that he could hold the middle ball in his palms. He said that the creature had big legs, big hips, long arms and a round head.

Even after the encounter was over, Mark’s friend took some time to calm down. They stayed in this area for a while to feel calm and safe.

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