Does your sago khichdi turn sticky? 7 Tips to Make It Like a Pro

Sabudana Khichdi is wonderful to eat. It is less visible in our diet during the fasting season. Soft tapioca pearls, cooked with potatoes, peanuts, cumin and ghee, Sabudana Khichdi Bhog mantra. moreover, the earthy taste and aroma of this dish makes us go back to it again and again. But, cooking a perfect bowl of Sabudana Khichdi can be quite a challenge. In fact, overcooking it can make it soggy or sticky. This spoils the texture and taste of the entire dish. more reliable? If you also face the same problem, then this article is just for you. We have put together some quick tips to ensure that your Sabudana Khichdi turns out to be perfect. Seems right, doesn’t it? So, without further ado, let us show you some easy and effective cooking hacks for Sabudana Khichdi.

Read also: 7 Popular Varieties of Khichdi From Across India You Must Try

Here are 7 smart ways to ensure that sabudana khichdi is not sticky:

1. Soak the sago thoroughly

Soaking the sago properly is the key to getting the right texture. Wash the sago in little water and keep it soaked for 4-5 hours. Then, drain off the excess water and let the sago sit in a sieve for 15-20 minutes to remove excess moisture.

2. Choose the Right Variety of Sabudana

There are two types of sago commonly found in the market – one with small pearls and the other with big pearls. Larger sago grains take longer to cook and are less likely to be sticky. hence, it is always advised to choose big sago to avoid the dish from getting sticky.

Read also: Breakfast Special: How To Make Crispy Sabudana Vadas For A Delicious Morning Meal (Recipe Inside)

3. Use ghee while cooking


Adding ghee to the pan while cooking sago prevents the sago from sticking together. Ghee Has a high smoke point and does not burn easily, which also helps in cooking.

4. Cook on low heat

Sabudana khichdi should be cooked on low flame only so that it does not become sticky and soft. The slow cooking ensures that the tapioca pearls cook evenly, keeping their shape.

5. Use a non stick pan

Using a non-stick pan can help prevent the sabudana from sticking to the bottom, and can also prevent it from burning. If you do not have a non-stick pan, make sure you keep stirring the khichdi to prevent it from sticking.

6. Don’t overcook the khichdi

Overcooking sabudana can also make it sticky. Cook it till the pearls turn translucent and you can see the tiny white dot in the middle. Overcooking the sabudana will make the dish sticky and mushy.

7. Add potatoes and roasted peanuts

Adding a small amount of potato while cooking sabudana prevents it from becoming sticky. The potato starch absorbs excess moisture and helps keep the pearls fluffy and intact. On the other hand, the oil of roasted groundnut coats the sago grains and prevents them from sticking together.

Now that you have these amazing tips, we suggest you follow them and make yourself a delicious bowl of Sabudana Khichdi this festive season. For the classic recipe of Sabudana Khichdi, click here.

Happy Mahashivaratri 2023, everyone!

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