Does your urine smell sweet? This may indicate that you have diabetes

The smell of urine can help determine whether you have diabetes.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), in a 2014 report, more than 422 million people worldwide have been diagnosed with diabetes.

Do you sometimes feel that your throat is drying up? Then you can drink a glass of water. Do you also squint your eyes while reading something, this is a sign that you need stronger glasses. But have you noticed that sometimes urine smells fruity? This may indicate that you may have diabetes. This chronic disease occurs when the pancreas does not produce enough insulin or when the body cannot effectively use the insulin produced. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), in a 2014 report, more than 422 million people worldwide have been diagnosed with diabetes.

But here are the early signs that you might have diabetes.

sweet smelling urine

Diabetic ketoacidosis is the most common diabetic complication in type 1 diabetes. This occurs when the body does not have enough glucose and has to burn fat for energy. As the body tries to remove excess glucose through urine, the urine may smell sweet like fruit. The condition can be diagnosed using a urine test and a ketone test strip. If you notice this, immediately seek medical attention from a concerned medical specialist.

urine color

Pale or clear yellow urine is usually a sign that a person is hydrated and is drinking enough water. However, diabetes insipidus is a condition in which the body produces excess urine. This can cause people to pass large amounts of light colored urine every time they urinate.

frequent hunger pangs

When you eat, your digestive system goes to work, converting the food into glucose that your body uses for energy. But if you have diabetes, your body doesn’t send enough glucose to your cells. In an effort to get the cells the energy they need, the body increases the feeling of hunger. Excessive hunger or polyphagia is a common symptom of diabetes.

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