Dog playing with homeless girl, viral video won hearts

Since being shared, the clip has garnered 6.4 lakh views and 84,000 likes.

This is why dogs are called man’s best friend. These cute animals can brighten up anyone’s gloomiest day with their sweet gestures. Dogs can not only be your companions but can also act as helpers, protectors and life savers. Recently a video of a dog playing with a homeless girl is going viral online. The sweet video has gathered several reactions from social media.

The video was shared by an Instagram page that goes by the name Tuffy Brown Boxer. In the short clip, the little girl is seen standing outside while the dog is inside the premises of the house. The girl throws the ball at the dog and each time it catches it. Then the cute animals throw the ball back to the girl. Both the girl and the dog seem to be enjoying this sweet game. The highlight of the entire video is that every time the dog catches the ball, the girl dances happily and smiles. The video reads, “Innocent friendships like this” with a blue heart emoji.

Since being shared, the clip has garnered 6.4 lakh views and 84,000 likes.

One user wrote, “Dogs are beautiful souls because they don’t judge you by your clothes and financial status.”

“The sign board actually means, be aware there is a cutie here to play with and love you. God bless these innocent kids. Love you both cuties,” said another person.

A third person said, “It makes me so happy.”

One user wrote, “Because dogs don’t know the difference between rich and poor. They only catch the feeling of love.”

“Every creature has an inner child. This must be a Disney/Pixar movie,” said another person.

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