Dozens injured in fresh clashes at Jerusalem’s Al-Aqsa site – Times of India

Jerusalem: Fresh clashes between Palestinians and Israeli police JerusalemAfter weeks of violence at the Flashpoint shrine, 42 people were injured at the Al-Aqsa mosque complex on the last Friday of Ramadan.
The Palestinian Red Crescent, which gave the death toll, said no one was seriously injured but 22 people had been taken to hospital.
Israeli police released footage showing youths pelting stones and fireworks on campus in the early hours of Friday. The officers reached the spot early in the morning.
A police statement said they went to contain “rioters and law breakers”, some of whom were trying to throw stones towards the Western Wall, the holy Jewish site below al-Aqsa.
Police said officers used “riotous means” to quell the unrest and arrested two people, one for pelting stones and the other for “instigating the crowd”.
An AFP reporter said Israeli police fired rubber-covered bullets, while an eyewitness said they also used tear gas.
An uneasy calm was restored on the campus after the unrest during the morning prayers, but tensions remained.
In the early afternoon a crowd of Muslim worshipers gathered in Al-Aqsa. Some waved Palestinian flags and Gaza Strip-based colors Hamas An AFP reporter said the terrorist group.
In the past two weeks, nearly 300 Palestinians have been injured in clashes at the al-Aqsa compound, Islam’s third holiest site. It is also the holiest place in Judaism, known by the Jews as Temple Mount.
The site is located in East Jerusalem, which was occupied by Israel in the 1967 Six-Day War and subsequently occupied on the move, which was not recognized by most of the international community.
Israel’s incursions into the compound during Ramadan have drawn widespread condemnation and fears of fueling continued Israeli-Palestinian tensions throughout Jerusalem.
But Israel has insisted it has been forced to act against operatives of the Islamic groups Hamas and Islamic Jihad. It says the terrorists threaten Muslim worshipers in al-Aqsa and Jews who pray at the Western Wall.
In an apparent attempt to defuse tensions, Israel’s Foreign Minister Yair Lapid has stressed that the government is committed to the status quo on the campus, which means following a long-standing tradition that only Muslims are allowed to pray there. is allowed.
Jews are allowed to visit Temple Mount.
However, the recent increase in such visits has angered Muslim leaders. Some expressed apprehension that Israel was trying to divide the complex and create a place where Jews could worship. Lapid told reporters there were no such plans.
The latest unrest comes as the end of Ramadan comes early next week.
Violence in Israeli-occupied East Jerusalem has raised fears of another armed conflict, similar to the 11-day war between Israel and Hamas last year, which was triggered by similar unrest in al-Aqsa.
Separate rockets have been fired from Gaza and Israel since the beginning of last week, but no casualties were reported from either side.
Hamas and Islamic Jihad leaders held a rally in Gaza late Thursday, calling for Jerusalem to be “defended” including al-Aqsa.
Thousands of Iranians took to the streets in the Islamic republic on Friday, in an annual show of pro-Palestinian rallies known as Quds (Jerusalem) Day. State broadcaster IRIB reported that flag-waving protesters raised slogans of “Death to America” ​​and “Death to Israel”.
supreme leader of iran Ayatollah Ali Khamenei made live remarks on television in support of the Palestinians and condemned those West Ukraine’s support against Russian aggression.
“They are making so much noise about the situation in Ukraine… (and) are completely silent about crimes in Palestine,” he said.
Hamas in a statement later thanked Iran for “standing with Jerusalem and the Blessed Al-Aqsa Mosque and supporting our opposing nation in every way possible.”
Al-Aqsa tensions come against the backdrop of violence in Israel and the occupied West Bank since March 22.
Twelve Israelis and two Ukrainians, including an Arab-Israeli police officer, were killed in four separate attacks inside Israel. The two deadly attacks were carried out by Palestinians in the Tel Aviv region.
A total of 26 Palestinians and three Israeli Arabs have been killed during the same period, among them perpetrators of attacks and those killed by Israeli security forces in West Bank operations.