“Dream of joining IAS and service facilities come true”: UPSC words Shubham Kumar

Will appear in Civil Services Examination in 2015. Tina dabi aia officers get updated in the state.

in a competent effort

Kumar (24) topped the Civil Services Examination in his quick service. It was tried for the first time in 2018. Kumar has taken off technology (inclusive) since marriage according to the anthropological science of different types of science and varnasi examination. The physicians who control the body of Katihar, Bihar are trained in caring.

“My Dreams Fulfilled”

It says, “It is better to remain as it was for the old people to sit.” For those working in the fields, it is important that they like the staff.” Help in.” Father is a bank manager in Bihar.

Awasthi Awasthi Colors

The changing variability (24) is mentally modified to change. Also working for Allline and Child Development. From Bhopal to ‘PV-Bhasha’ on the telephone, ‘Suphones’ on the phone. People around me encouraged me. I will work for the Alliance for Women and Child Development. Awasthi deals with the subject of language and is scientifically related.

civil service preparation for job

Job Preparation for Air India Heavy Electricals Limited (BHEL), Bhopal. Said, “Graduated in 2017. I was not selected in the first attempt. It was my effort.”
Avi said that brother Bhole to be the test of the exam in the exam. Avi’s husband and mother are housewife. Ankita Jain at the relevant time.

Number of men and women in top 20

Appear in Preliminary Examination, Main Examination and Interview in Annual Examination of Communication System. These are suitable for Internet via Indian Server Service (III), Indian Foreign Service (ILI) and Indian Police Service (I) amongst others. Will protect the future in the foreseeable future. Singh said that 20 key officers are employees and employees (every employee).

4,82,770 in the exam

He said that his ministry would soon hold direct talks with 20 toppers and honor them, as is done every year. To improve the octaver of Civil Services 1st Examination, 2020. 10,40,060 had counted to count in the meeting. 10,564 have improved for the mains exam. After going to the interview selected for the interview in 2053.

25 out of 761

There are 25 out of 761 solutions. 263 from SAP to General Category, 86 from Economy to K (EWS) 220 to Other Category (O Bidi) 122 from Structure (related to Structure) and 61 from Structured. A total of 150 members are on the list. The result of the exam will be based on the direct website. “The marks on the web will be revealed within 15 days from the date of declaration of result,” the commission said.

(The line for the headline said, this kind of team said the team, it’s written by Cindy.)


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