DU CSAS 1st allotment list released today at 5 pm

DU CSAS 1st allotment list released today at 5 pm

New Delhi:

DU UG Admission 2022: Delhi (DU) Atmosphere Stable In Atmosphere (CSAS) In stable environment, the atmosphere is stable on 18. D.A.C. Student website access to listings in and for Assistant affairs. Go to Which scene is visible during this interview? To be included in the list, they will be included in the order list.

this also further

To apply completely 19. Colleges can get online admission till 22, the closing date for admission fee is October 24.

Once implemented, the process will start from 25th after the next time it is implemented. Times ЁЯЩП

Protection for VAT protection of DU Curriculum Security (ECA) also introduced. Reported on 19 to 21 of the test 19 and 20 computers, arts for the arts, writing logari to log, and digital media. Twins must meet ECA Test 26. This university’s globalization test is university’s test globalization which are updated on the basis of (CUET UG).