Dubai will soon have robot chefs to prepare and serve food in eateries

Ever imagined living in a robot world? Robots doing household chores, taking you around town and preparing your meals – it sounds like a movie script, doesn’t it? Let’s agree, we have seen such a scenario in various Indian and Hollywood movies and even in cartoon shows. But what if we say, now you can have the same experience in Dubai?! That’s right. According to various reports, Dubai is all set to introduce robots in restaurants to prepare and serve food to its customers. Sounds exciting enough; Correct? And we’re sure tech enthusiasts want to know more about it.

Over the years, the worldwide food and beverage industry has been experiencing various upgrades. From the incorporation of smart technologies to standardizing workflows – we’ve seen this happen all around. Joining the bandwagon, Dubai Restaurant is all set to offer people a whole new ‘robotic’ experience while dining. Outlook India reports that restaurants in the US that work with popular food chains in the Middle East and North Africa including Pizza Hut, KFC, etc. will soon launch this innovation in collaboration with Miso Robotics.

Reportedly, a robotic arm named Flippy 2 will be trialled at the Wimpy restaurant in Dubai Mall. The collaboration with Americana Restaurants and Miso Robotics marks an important milestone in the world of the food and beverage industry, according to Melvin Michael, brand director of popular fast-food chain Wimpy, reports United Arab Emirates-based weblide The National. This is the first phase of the agreement, with plans to expand to other Americana restaurants in the coming months, Repot further explains.

Quite interesting, isn’t it? What are your thoughts on this brand-new technological innovation? Do let us know in the comments below.

About Somdutt SahuInvestigator- Somdutt likes to call this himself. In the matter of food, people or places, she only wants to know the unknown. A simple aglio oleo pasta or dal-rice and a good movie can make his day.