Early Menopause Big Impact on Mental Health | Rajkot News – Times of India

Rajkot: Living in nuclear families and changing social dynamics are forcing more women to seek psychological counseling for various mental issues that accompany menopause.
The doctors that TOI spoke to say that the age of attaining menopause is also decreasing as the average age of girls to attain their menstrual cycle has also come down.

Doctor. Jyoti ShahiFounder of Rajkot Branch Indian Menopause Society Said, “Women go through hormonal imbalances during this period. Since families are now isolated, women often feel lonely as their children have either gone abroad for studies or are busy with their own activities. Husband is also engaged in his job or business.Many women feel a emptiness in their life and this creates psychological problems.
According to doctors, life expectancy has increased in India and the average life expectancy for a woman is considered to be 70 years. The average woman goes through a third of her life in menopause, which has three phases. However, it is in the earlier stages that many women go through various psychological disorders in which gynecologists also have to be consulted.
Depression, insomnia, anxiety combined with hot flashes, getting irritated over small things are some of the symptoms they display.
At the same time, some women are already suffering from these conditions and menopause only promotes it.
Dr. Shah said, “We are seeing that even mentally tough women are slipping into depression during this period.”
Doctor. Darshan SurejaA gynecologist said, “Earlier menstruation used to start at the age of 14-15 years, which now starts at the age of 11-12 years in many girls. Same effect menopause and some women are getting it early We have seen many women requesting doctors for certain medications to delay menopause because they cannot accept that this is becoming a new normal now.