Easy Breakfast Recipe: Make a Mushroom and Cheese Omelette for a protein-packed meal

We all know that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. But thinking of what to make for breakfast is a challenge. While we have a few regular options of parathas, upma and poha, the same taste can get boring every day. So, if you are looking for a new breakfast recipe, here we bring you a delicious and complete Mushroom and Cheese Omelette recipe! As the name suggests, this omelet recipe is loaded with the goodness of mushroom and paneer which melts in your mouth with every bite. Plus, all the ingredients in this dish give you a good amount of nutrition too!

Health benefits of eggs and mushrooms:

Eggs are one of the most common ingredients that we use in everyday cooking. They are known to be highly nutritious. Eggs can increase good cholesterol, reduce the risk of heart disease and help you lose weight. Whereas mushrooms are considered a great source of copper, magnesium and phosphorus. They are also rich in antioxidants and can help boost immunity.

So, with such benefits in eggs and mushrooms, let us look at the recipe for mushroom and cheese omelet.

How to make Eggs and Mushrooms | Egg and Mushroom Recipe:

To prepare this dish, first boil the mushrooms and cut them. Cook them on a griddle and add spices. Now mix two eggs in a bowl and add green chili, salt and pepper to it. Melt some butter in a pan and add the egg mixture. When the mixture starts to set, add mushrooms and cheese. Allow the cheese to melt, and the eggs to cook.

Once done, fold it up and enjoy!

For the full Mushroom and Cheese Omelette recipe, click here.

Make this delicious omelet, and let us know how you liked it.


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