Easy Pickle Recipe: How to Make Garlic Pickle in Just 10 Minutes

Ask any Indian food lover why pickle is one of the best Accompaniment As with any meal, and he will lack words to explain. Well, all the credit goes to the spicy and tangy taste of the pickle. You have it once and it is sure to hook you up forever. As for pickles, pickle, also known as ‘achaar’, is a savory Indian accompaniment that can be made with a variety of ingredients. For example, mango, lemon, carrot, green chili, red chili, ginger, garlic and more. The spice in which pickles are made has a distinct sour, pungent and chilli taste which gives an explosion of flavor to the taste.

Read also: Mango Pickle, Onion Pickle & Much More: 5 Quick Pickle Recipes You Must Try

However, pickles are usually made by following a long process of fermentation which takes a lot of time. Here we bring you the recipe of Garlic Pickle which can be made in just 10 minutes. And its taste is also amazing. Apart from being a treat for the senses, this pickle has innumerable health-benefiting properties. Take a look at the benefits below.

Here are some benefits of garlic pickle:

1. Good for the Heart

High cholesterol is one of the major causes of cardiovascular problems. Garlic is a magical ingredient that can help you lower cholesterol levels – both total and LDL (bad cholesterol). Plus, it has anti-inflammatory properties that can prevent blood circulation problems.

2. Cures Colds

Garlic is known worldwide for its antibacterial and antioxidant properties, which result in boosting immunity. Adding a little garlic pickle to your every meal can protect your body from common cold and flu.

3. Purifies Blood

Garlic is a natural cleanser and disinfectant. By consuming garlic in any form, your blood becomes more healthy.

Quick Garlic Pickle Recipe: How To Make Garlic Pickle

To start with the recipe, steam 500 grams of peeled garlic cloves. Then take them out in a big bowl. Add all the spices like red chili powder, turmeric powder, fenugreek powder, salt to taste and squeeze lemon in it.

After doing this, heat mustard oil in a pan, add mustard seeds and let them crackle. Once done, pour it over the steamed garlic cloves. Mix everything properly and mix it with your daily meal and enjoy!

PS: You can store this pickle in an airtight glass container for about 2-3 months.

Try this recipe and let us know how it worked for you!