ED arrests IREO Group chairman Lalit Goyal in alleged money laundering case

The Enforcement Directorate (ED) has arrested Lalit Goel, vice-chairman and managing director of real estate group IREO, in connection with a money-laundering probe against him, officials said on Tuesday.

He said the trader has been detained by the Federal Investigation Agency in Chandigarh under the provisions of the Prevention of Money Laundering Act (PMLA) and will be produced before a local court for remand.

Goel was stopped by immigration officials at the Indira Gandhi International (IGI) airport last Thursday on the basis of the ED’s look out circular.

“Promoter of real estate company IREO Lalit Goyal detained at Delhi airport by immigration authorities and handed over to ED. He is being questioned and his statement recorded by ED in connection with money laundering and diversion of investors’ money going,” said. An ED officer.

Earlier, Goyal’s name also appeared in the Pandora Papers.

“A lookout circular was issued against him in a case registered in Chandigarh. He was questioned by the ED in connection with alleged money laundering and diversion of investors’ funds,” the official said.

The Pandora Papers, compiled by the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists after a two-year investigation, uncovered more than 35 current and former global leaders, as well as more than 330 politicians and officials around the world, who allegedly used tax havens. And hid real income through offshore. companies. The dossier contains over 11.9 million confidential documents.

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