ED conducts raid at 9 locations in Kolkata in primary school jobs scam

The Enforcement Directorate on December 28 conducted simultaneous raids at nine different places in the city in connection with its investigation into the alleged teachers’ recruitment scam
| Photo Credit: PTI

The Enforcement Directorate (ED) on December 28 conducted simultaneous raids at nine different places in the city in connection with its investigation into the alleged teachers’ recruitment scam, a senior official said.

Nine teams of ED officers conducted raids at offices and residences of different people located in the city’s busy Burrabazar area, Kakurgachi and EM Bypass, he said.

“This is related to our investigation of the primary school jobs scam. These people were involved in routing the money. We are looking for documents and other bank documents,” the officer told PTI.

The search operations started early December 28 morning following a tip-off from a person who was arrested in connection with the ED’s probe into the cow smuggling scam.