Elderly woman trapped in swamp for over three hours

An elderly woman reportedly got trapped in a swamp for almost three hours before being rescued by fire and rescue services personnel at Maradu on Tuesday noon.

Kamalakshy, a 74-year-old fish worker, was on her way home when she slipped and fell into the swamp reportedly made of piling waste in Division 21 of Maradu municipality. Trapped in mud up to neck, she managed to survive till help came by hanging on to a tree branch. The swamp was around five feet deep, according to local residents.

Her perilous situation came to the notice of a woman in the neighbourhood when she came out to collect clothes put out to dry on the terrace of her house around 3.45 p.m.

Following this, she raised an alarm, and the Thripunithura fire station was informed. Kamalakshy was pulled ashore by firefighters and rushed to a nearby hospital.

A fire force team led by station in-charge Santhosh P.K. rescued the woman.