election commission team election commission

The people’s team of the Commission did more with the su of Bharatiya Janata Party, Multi Party Samaj Party, Dalit Dal. In the event of a female safety malfunction in a meeting with the team, the abnormal controller (home) executes the non-residential position. can do.

The Congress keeps on changing from state to state while changing from state to state. VVIS

The woman who contested in the election commission meeting protected women’s safety. , A family… One family as a member of a family… .

In the delegation of the chairman of the commission, chairman Naresh Uttam Patel, K. Of. Srivastava Dr and 0 Harishchandra Yadav are involved in this. Relating to electoral freedom and the process of change.

The number of people who are active in this way is 40 lakhs and is active in the constituency in 2022. The SP alleged that a large number of duplicate voters are registered in the voter list, which is a matter of serious concern.

Omkarnath Singh, Virendra Madan and Mohammad Ansman. In case of being in a position to be active in NEET, the state will be in a state of deteriorating condition.

On behalf of the State Council of the Communist Party of India, Uttar Pradesh, the party’s treasurer and member of the state executive, Com. Pradeep Tiwari, presented the party’s report regarding the assembly elections to be held in 2022 and participated in the discussion.

The correct code of conduct for declaring the report of the CPI is announced. It has been said that the assembly elections of the country’s most populous state are expected in early 2022. These are the members of the Election Commission, the Election Commission

(Line for headline, this kind of team said the team, it’s written by Cindy.)
