Election commission voted

TRS has given additional strength to BJP.

New Delhi:

Election Commission in Munugo Assembly Elections Before the by-election, Election Commission I Rajagopal is said to have included 23 people in the constituency according to family member. Wrote in a letter to write. When to turn on.

this also further

The office’s chief representative from The Vive joined a meeting of the correspondent, Rai Kumar. Was about to contact the Election Commission.

The Better National Party (TAT) has equipped it as a by-election from the New Newgood Assembly. Bolt will be charged multiple times and many times disabled in Munuva for prescriptions for Returning Officer, Returning Officer, Returning Officer, Returning Officer, Returning Officer, Returning Officer AT necessary to be able to win.

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VIDEO: Amla : Amla :

(Line for the headline, this kind of team said the team, it’s Cindy said Dr.