Elon Musk challenges Twitter CEO to public debate on bots

Musk challenges Twitter CEO to public debate on bots

Elon Musk on Saturday challenged Twitter Inc Chief Executive Officer Parag Agarwal to a public debate about the percentage of bots on the social media platform.

“Let them prove to the public that <5% of Twitter is fake or spam daily users!" Musk said in a tweet.

They also started a poll asking users if less than 5% of Twitter daily users are fake/spam.

Twitter on Thursday dismissed Musk’s claim that he was duped into signing a $44 billion deal to buy the company.

Musk filed a countersuit against Twitter on July 29, intensifying a legal battle against the company over its bid to walk away from the purchase agreement.

Earlier on Saturday, Musk said that his deal to buy the company should proceed on its original terms if Twitter could provide its own method of sampling 100 accounts and how it verifies that the accounts are genuine.