Elon Musk responds to viral video of orbital sunset shot from Dragon’s cupola

A video shared by SpaceX, founded by Elon Musk, hit social media in a matter of hours on Saturday. The orbital sunset is visible in the video, taken from the Dragon’s Cupola orbiting Earth.

The video, which is captioned as “View of an orbital sunset from the Dragon’s Cupola”, has been retweeted over 9,000 times and garnered over 63,000 likes.

Elon Musk shared it again by saying, moving at ~23 times the speed of sound, circling the Earth every ~90 minutes.

Twitterati also responded enthusiastically. One said, we are finally living in an era where every child can grow up to be an astronaut. Thanks SpaceX and Elon Musk

Another said, I know cheap space flights are not going to happen in my lifetime, but what would I give to see this scene. really amazing.

Whatever back-and-forth, hypocrisy and dishonesty are prevalent in today’s times, it is comforting to know that progress is being made somewhere. Another follower said, “Thank you, Elon and SpaceX, for giving us something to be hopeful and enthusiastic about.”

The crew of the Inspiration 4 mission is set to return to Earth on Saturday.

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