Elon Musk’s Tesla Bot Comes With Serious Concerns — But They’re Not What You Think

Tesla aims to show a prototype humanoid robot as soon as next year. wikimedia commons

Form of words:

Ilone musk humanoid robot announced Designed to help with those repetitive, boring tasks that people hate to do. Musk suggests that it can drive you to the grocery store, but presumably, it will handle any task involving physical labor.

Primarily, social media is filled with references to a string of dystopian sci-fi movies about robots where everything goes horribly wrong.

Disturbing like robot futures in movies i robot, the Terminator, and there are others, it is the underlying technologies of real humanoid robots – and the intent behind them – that should be cause for concern.

Musk’s robot is being developed by Tesla. Unless you consider that Tesla isn’t a typical automotive manufacturer, it appears to be from the company’s car-making business. where did it go “Tesla Boto“There’s a concept for a sleek, 125-pound human-like robot that uses Tesla’s automotive artificial intelligence and Autopilot technologies to plan and follow routes, navigate traffic — in this case, pedestrians — and avoid obstacles.” include to avoid.

Dystopian sci-fi overtones aside, the plan makes sense, though within Musk’s business strategy. The built environment is created by humans, for humans. And as Musk argued in announcing the Tesla bot, successfully advanced technologies will require learning to navigate it the same way people do.

Yet Tesla’s cars and robots are visible products of a broader plan aimed at creating a future where advanced technologies free humans from our biological roots. blending biology and technology. as a researcher who studies Ethically and socially responsible development and use of emerging technologiesOf course, I think this plan raises concerns that go beyond the speculative sci-fi dread of super-smart robots.

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man with big plans

self driving cars, interplanetary rocket, And brain-machine interface The muskets are steps towards a future where technology is the savior of humanity. in this future, Energy will be cheap, abundant and sustainable; people will work in harmony with intelligent machines and merge with them, and a man. Will become interplanetary species.

It is a future that, given Musk’s various efforts, will be built on a set of underlying interconnected technologies that include sensors, originatorSubstantial advances in energy and data infrastructure, systems integration, and computer power. Together, these form a formidable toolbox for creating transformative technologies.

Musk finally imagines humans passing on our evolutionary legacy Through technologies that are beyond human, or “super” human. But before technology can become superhuman, it first needs to be human—or at least designed to thrive in a human-designed world.

It’s this make-tech-more-human approach to innovation that is underpinning the technologies in Tesla’s cars, including the widespread use of optical cameras. These, when connected to an AI “brain,” are intended to help vehicles autonomously navigate road systems, which, in Musk’s words, are “Designed for biological neural nets with optical imagers“- in other words, people. In what Musk says, it’s a small step from a human-inspired “robot on wheels” to a human-like robot on legs.

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easier said than done

Tesla’s “Full Self-Driving” technology, which includes: Suspiciously Named Autopilot, is a starting point for developers of Tesla bots. As effective as this technology is, it is proving to be less than completely reliable. accidents and deaths Join Tesla’s Autopilot Mode – what to do with the latest algorithms Struggling to recognize parked emergency vehicles Questioning the wisdom of leaving the technology in the wild so soon.

This track record does not bode well for human-like robots that rely on the same technology. Yet it’s not just a matter of getting the technology right. Tesla’s Autopilot Has Glitches increased by human behavior. For example, some Tesla drivers have treated their tech-enhanced cars as if they are fully autonomous vehicles and have failed to pay enough attention to driving. Could something similar happen with the Tesla bot?

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Tesla bot’s ‘orphan risk’

In my work on socially beneficial technology innovation, I am particularly interested in orphan risk Risks that are hard to measure and easy to ignore and yet inevitably plague innovators. My colleagues and I work with entrepreneurs and others to navigate these types of challenges. Risk Innovation Nexus, an initiative of Arizona State University Orin Edson Institute for Entrepreneurship + Innovation And global futures lab.

The Tesla bot comes with a whole portfolio of orphan risks. These include potential threats to privacy and autonomy as the bot collects, shares and acts on potentially sensitive information; challenges to the way people think about and react to humanoid robots; Possible misalignment between ethical or ideological approaches – eg, in crime control or civil protest policing; even more. These are challenges that are rarely included in the training engineers receive, and yet Seeing them can spell disaster.

While the Tesla bot may sound benign – or even a little joke – If it is to be profitable as well as commercially successful, its developers, investors, future consumers, and others need to ask tough questions about how it might endanger them What’s important and how to navigate these threats.

These threats can be as specific as people making unauthorized modifications that increase a robot’s performance – causing it to move faster than its designers, for example – without thinking about the risks, or in general. Technology is being made weapons in new ways. They are also so subtle as to how a humanoid robot could jeopardize job security, or how a robot that includes advanced surveillance systems could undermine privacy.

Then there are the challenges of technical bias which have been Annoying AI for a while, especially where it leads to learned behavior that becomes highly discriminatory. For example, AI algorithms have produced sexist And Casteism Result.

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Just because we can, should?

The Tesla bot may seem like a small step toward Musk’s approach to extraterrestrial technologies, and one that’s little more than an easy one to write about. sordid pretentiousness. But the audacious plans it underpins are serious – and they raise equally serious questions.

For example, how responsible is Musk’s vision? Just because he can work towards creating the future of his dreams, should he say that he should? Is the future Musk striving to bring the best of mankind, or even a good one? And who will bear the consequences if things go wrong?

These are deep concerns that the Tesla bot raises for me as someone who studies and writes about the future and how our actions affect it. That’s not to say that a Tesla bot isn’t a good idea, or that Elon Musk shouldn’t be able to flex his future manufacturing muscles. Used properly, these are transformative ideas and technologies that can hold promise of a future for billions of people.

But if consumers, investors and others dismiss the glitz or hype of new technology and fail to see the big picture, society risks handing the future over to wealthy innovators whose vision exceeds their understanding. If their visions of the future are not in line with most people’s aspirations, or are catastrophically flawed, they are in danger of standing in the way of building a just and equitable future.

Maybe it’s dystopian robots—the enduring lesson of future sci-fi movies that people should take away as the Tesla bot moves from idea to reality—not the more obvious concerns of making humanoid robots that run amok, but The bigger challenge is deciding who will envision the future and who will be a part of its creation.

Andrew Maynard, Associate Dean, College of Global Futures, Arizona State University

This article is republished from Conversation Under Creative Commons license. read the original article.

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