Empowering Women to Improve Their Health: Ways to Address Vitamin D Deficiency

Vitamin D is an essential nutrient that helps the body absorb calcium and maintain healthy bones and muscles. However, many women, especially those living in northern latitudes, are deficient in this important vitamin. Vitamin D deficiency can lead to a number of health problems, including weak bones, an increased risk of falls, and autoimmune disorders.

Women are particularly susceptible to vitamin D deficiency because they spend less time outdoors than men, wear more sunscreen, and have lower dietary intakes of vitamin D. Additionally, pregnant, lactating or menopausal women may require higher levels of the vitamin. D To maintain optimum health.

Dr. Mithun N. Oswal, MBBS, MS Ortho Joint Replacement Surgeon, Apollo Clinic, says, “Vitamin D deficiency cases are increasing rapidly across the country, especially among women. One survey found that about 90 percent of women were vitamin D deficient and overall this is about 76 percent of the total population of vitamin D deficient.

This is due to low exposure to the sun, low dietary intake of vitamin D3, diseases such as chronic kidney failure and liver disease. They also inhibit the ability of the kidneys and liver to convert vitamin D into its active form.

Edwina Raj, Head, Clinical Nutrition Dietetics, Aster CMI Hospital, says, “Sunshine Vitamin D is essential for maintaining skeletal and bone health in women, besides playing a vital role in preventing various chronic diseases. Women are prone to this deficiency due to insufficient intake through food, lack of exposure to sunlight, inability to absorb through food (malabsorption or low fat intake), if one’s liver and kidneys convert it into vitamin D. are unable to convert to the active form, with higher body fat composition and darker skin with more melanin pigment hindering absorption.

Other recently observed causes include using sun block creams, covering face and hands while traveling, following a low or restrictive diet with insufficient intake of fat leading to vitamin D3 deficiency as it is fat soluble. is a vitamin. “Poor intake of natural sources of Vitamin D through food, which are sources of Vitamin D like fish, eggs, dairy, fortified milk, oils etc. due to dairy intolerance, vegetarian diet, low phosphorus diet may be one of the disease conditions Could be due to Vitamin D3 deficiency,” says Dr. Raj.

It is also commonly seen in women during pre and post-menopausal period due to decline in estrogen hormone, imbalance in calcium and vitamin D3 levels resulting in osteoporosis and low bone mineral density. “There are some individuals who have an insufficient ability to convert vitamin D3 into its active form and use it, which is commonly seen in people with malabsorption disorders, cystic fibrosis, celiac disease, Crohn’s disease, after intestinal surgery. and are obese. Prolonged use of medicines like laxative for constipation, steroids etc. can also be a reason for Vitamin D3 deficiency,” said Dr. Raj.

Vitamin D is a fat-soluble vitamin that is naturally present in some foods. But the body has the endogenous ability to produce vitamin D when ultraviolet rays from the sun hit the skin and trigger its synthesis.

“Vitamin D helps increase bone calcium uptake. But its deficiency can lead to lethargy, mood disturbances, hair loss, bone and joint pain, fatigue, increased incidence of fractures with minor trauma, and twisting of the back and long bones.” It is possible

Women in particular need to get an early diagnosis once any of the above symptoms appear and are confirmed by a laboratory. They should increase their exposure to sunlight. Vitamin D3 supplementation is also recommended.

“These can be oral or even intramuscular injections. Because taking vitamin D is important in almost all systems in the body. Early preventive measures can help people avoid diseases,” says Dr Oswal.

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