Ethiopia’s Tigre region capital vulnerable to air strikes, say eyewitnesses and local forces – World Latest News Headlines

Witnesses in Meckel told CNN that he heard an explosion and saw smoke in the vicinity of Adi Hockey Market, describing a scene of panic with people around him as he exited his office after the explosion.

One city resident told Reuters Strike near a market behind a hotel. An aid worker and a doctor in the area also said there had been an attack and a diplomat shared pictures with Reuters of blood-soaked and broken windows.

A spokesman for the Tigre People’s Liberation Front accused Ethiopian Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed of targeting civilians in an attack on a busy market day. Ethiopia’s federal government launched a military offensive last November to oust the TPLF, and fighting has continued ever since.

TPLF spokesman Getachev Reda claimed that one of the targets of the air strikes was the Planet Hotel, which is “staffed by a dozen or more humanitarian agencies.” “Our people will not be prepared to succumb to a desperate step by a desperate regime on the verge of collapse.”

Ethiopia’s state communications chief strongly denied that they carried out the airstrikes. Legacy Tulu told CNN, “The government has no plans to terrorize its own people. Why should this be the case? This is not true.

In a separate statement, the government spokesman’s office said that “the government of Ethiopia would like to request the US and its allies not to be misled by the TPLF as the crying wolf and the suffering of people in Amhara’s northern Wolo, Gondar, Wagh Hemera.” Don’t be.” , and the Afar region.”

It is a developing story that is yet to follow.

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