Europe has many challenges and options: PM Modi ahead of visit

Prime Minister Narendra Modi said he sees this IGC as an early engagement with the new government in Germany

Prime Minister Narendra Modi said he sees this IGC as an early engagement with the new government in Germany

Ahead of his visit to Germany, Denmark and France, Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Sunday said that his Europe visit comes at a time when the region is facing many challenges and options, and that he will cooperate with India’s European partners. I want to strengthen the feeling of

In a statement, Mr Modi said he would visit Berlin on 2 May at the invitation of German Chancellor Olaf Scholz, after which he would travel to Copenhagen on 3-4 May to hold bilateral events at the invitation of his Danish counterpart Mette Friedrichsen. will do. and also participate in the second India-Nordic Summit.

On his way back to India, Mr Modi said, he would stop briefly in Paris for a meeting with French President Emmanuel Macron.

“My visit to Europe is taking place at a time when the region is facing many challenges and options,” said Mr. Modi.

“Through my engagements, I intend to strengthen the spirit of cooperation with our European partners, who are important partners in India’s quest for peace and prosperity,” the prime minister said in his departure statement.

The visit comes amid the Ukraine crisis, which has united much of Europe against Russia.

Elaborating on his engagements, Mr Modi said his Berlin visit would be an opportunity to hold detailed bilateral discussions with Chancellor Scholz, whom he met in his previous capacity as Chancellor and Finance Minister at the G20 last year .

“We will co-chair the 6th India-Germany Inter-Governmental Consultations (IGC), a unique biennial format that India organizes only with Germany. Several Indian ministers will also visit Germany and consult with their German counterparts, Said Mr Modi.

The Prime Minister said that he sees this IGC as an early engagement within six months of the formation of the new government in Germany, which will be helpful in identifying priorities for the medium and long term.

He said that in 2021, India and Germany completed 70 years of establishment of diplomatic relations and have been strategic partners since 2000.

“I look forward to exchanging views with Chancellor Scholz on strategic, regional and global developments that concern both of us,” Mr. Modi said.

Noting that the long-standing commercial ties between India and Germany are one of the pillars of their strategic partnership, Mr. Modi said that Chancellor Scholz and he will also jointly address a business roundtable aimed at Their industry needs to be activated for industry cooperation, which will help strengthen the post-Covid economic recovery in both countries.

“Continental Europe is home to over one million people of Indian origin, and Germany has a significant portion of this diaspora. The Indian diaspora is an important anchor in our relations with Europe and so I will take the opportunity of my visit to the continent there. Meet our brothers and sisters,” the Prime Minister said.

From Berlin, Modi said, he will travel to Copenhagen, where he will hold bilateral meetings with Prime Minister Fredriksen to review progress in India’s unique ‘Green Strategic Partnership’ with Denmark, as well as other aspects of the bilateral ties. will provide an opportunity to review ,

“I will also participate in the India-Denmark Business Roundtable as well as interact with the Indian community in Denmark,” Mr. Modi said.

In addition to bilateral ties with Denmark, Mr Modi said he will also attend the second India-Nordic Summit with the Prime Ministers of Denmark, Iceland, Finland, Sweden and Norway, where they will take stock of cooperation since the first India- Nordic Summit in 2018.

“The conference will focus on topics such as post-pandemic economic recovery, climate change, innovation and technology, renewable energy, evolving global security landscape and India-Nordic cooperation in the Arctic region,” Mr Modi said.

On the sidelines of the summit, the Prime Minister said he would also meet leaders of the other four Nordic countries and review progress in India’s bilateral ties with them.

Noting that the Nordic countries are important partners for India in sustainability, renewable energy, digitization and innovation, he said that the visit will help expand India’s multi-faceted cooperation with the Nordic region.

India-France Strategic Partnership

“During my return visit, I will stop in Paris to meet my friend, President Macron. President Macron has recently been re-elected, and my visit 10 days after the result will not only allow me to convey my personal congratulations individuals, but also reaffirm the close friendship between the two countries,” Mr Modi said.

“It will also give us an opportunity to outline the next phase of the India-French strategic partnership. President Macron and I will share assessments on various regional and global issues and take stock of ongoing bilateral cooperation,” he said.

Shri Modi said that it is his firm belief that two countries sharing the same vision and values ​​for the global order should work in close cooperation with each other.

Government sources had said on Saturday that in his first foreign visit this year, Prime Minister Modi’s three-day visit will have 25 hectic schedules, where he will spend around 65 hours.