Exclusive: 5 Tips To Ensure Healthy Skin After Menopause Strikes The Clock

New Delhi: Women deal with menopause which comes with a lot of changes – physically and mentally. This triggers a drop in estrogen level which is responsible for a decrease in collagen production, an increase in fine lines and wrinkles, thinning hair, dryness of the skin, an increase in facial hair, acne and sunspots. Apart from hot flashes, irregular periods and sweating among other things, there are many changes in the skin as well.

Aging is a normal process and menopause is a part of it. Dermatologists can’t turn back time, but there are some ways your skin can look and feel better. Here are some tips by Dr. Neha Sharma, Dermatologist Founder, Estik Clinic, Gurugram, that you can incorporate to deal with the various skin changes that occur after menopause.

1) estrogen receptors The skin plays a role in sebum production, which keeps the skin lubricated, so a drop in estrogen levels is responsible for dryness. One of the ways to deal with dryness is by staying moisturised. Drink at least 2-3 liters of water daily. Use a creamy cleanser instead of a foaming cleanser that contains alpha or beta hydroxy acids. Use a thick moisturizer loaded with peptides, ceramides, cholesterol and fatty acids. Products with hyaluronic acid, glycerin, and centella asiatica greatly improve skin hydration.
Hyaluronic Acid is a super ingredient for attracting and retaining moisture in the skin. It can lift up to 1000 times its own weight in water. If you have extremely dry skin, you can add a little face oil to your night skin care regimen.

2) collagen is a protein in the body which promotes the appearance of firmer, younger skin. As we age and during menopause, collagen production slows, causing the skin to sag and lose the supple, youthful-looking skin. Stimulating collagen production can help fight loose skin. Topically you can increase collagen by incorporating retinol into your skincare regime. Another way to improve collagen is to supplement your diet with vitamin C, antioxidants, omega 3 and omega 6 fatty acids, and vitamin A.
Various in-clinic procedures can help improve sagging, fine lines, and wrinkles.

3) wearing sunscreen Daily essential for healthy skin regardless of your age or skin type. During menopause, however, protecting your skin from the sun is an especially important part of your daily skin care because skin cancer and precancerous growths increase during menopause. In addition to reducing the risk of cancer, SPF may help reduce the appearance of age spots and wrinkles as well as prevent new ones from forming.

4) estrogen levels Hair growth on the face may also change, such as on the chin, jawline, and above the lip. Waxing may be an option but if your skin becomes too thin for waxing, it may crack or bleed. In such a situation, to remove unwanted hair, we can do laser hair removal for black hair and electrolysis for white hair.

5) adult acne Also extremely common during menopause. In this case each case needs to be evaluated and treatment should be planned accordingly.