Experts suggest how to improve the diet of kids and teens – healthy, creative tiffin ideas

In recent years, there has been a change in the eating habits and lifestyle of teenagers, resulting in many health problems. Hence, ‘Let’s Fix Our Food’ initiative has been launched by Public Health Foundation of India (PHFI) in collaboration with UNICEF and consortium partners, to create space for adolescents to participate and create a conducive food environment in the country . The initiative also highlights the importance of healthy food habits among teenagers and to bring them back to natural food from seasonal, homemade and packaged food. The initiative aims to showcase and create a dialogue around healthy diet and lifestyle even during food habits, physical activity and screen time. Since, low levels of physical activity among adolescents make them vulnerable to chronic diseases, especially diet-related non-communicable diseases.

Read also: 4 Indian Ingredients To Include In Kids’ Diet To Ensure Growth And Health

Changing the diet of early teens can start with small steps, such as designing quality and attractive lunch boxes for kids. The key lies in packing the right set of nutrients into the box through a variety of high-quality food options. An impressive and nutritious lunch box can be made as follows:

Healthy Tiffin Ideas for Kids and Teenagers:

1. With fresh fruits

A recent study by Eunice revealed that there has been a decline in the consumption of fruits by teenagers. Including five portions of fresh fruits in your daily diet can lead to mental and physical growth of a person. Consuming a variety of fruits, especially seasonal, local, cheaply available fruits, such as guavas, bananas, apples, oranges, melon slices, or grapes, is essential. Including these fruits will ensure that teenagers get the full range of essential vitamins and minerals, which in turn will have a positive impact on their mental and physical development as they grow up.

2. Including Protein and Iron

Due to the decline in protein consumption by children, parents must provide them with the right amount of protein as this food group plays an important role in cognitive development, especially during the peak period of growth in adolescence. Iron is another important factor that is essential for your baby’s health and can be found in animal sources (meat and fish) and plant sources (whole grains including millets, dark green leafy vegetables, pulses and dried fruits) . However, when the going gets tough, adding pulses and dark leafy vegetables can help as they contain other nutrients that are also important for eyesight and the immune system.


3. Adopting a ‘Green Choice’ Lifestyle

Having a snack box along with a lunch box can have a tremendous impact on your child’s health. It can help to actively replace excessive intake of unhealthy foods, such as biscuits, chips, aerated drinks, etc. Replace unhealthy snacks with healthy alternatives such as fruits and vegetables, wholemeal/whole grain bread/toast with a small amount of butter, or a low-fat spread of honey, natural yogurt, whole grains without added sugar, to increase energy and normalize glucose levels. level can be seen.

4. Including Dairy-Based Products

Calcium plays an extremely important role in the physical development of adolescents. Not only does it help strengthen bones and teeth, but it also plays an important role in blood clotting, making muscles contract, and regulating normal heart rate and nerve function. Unsweetened milk, plain yogurt, small amounts of cottage cheese such as cottage cheese and string cheese can help build strong bones and muscles. If your teen is lactose intolerant, dairy-free alternatives such as soy milk and soy yogurt, which contain similar amounts of calcium, protein and vitamin D, can be used.

Read also: Dairy Rich Diet: From Paneer To Ghee, 5 Milk Products You Can Include In Your Diet


5. Adding Nuts and Whole Grain Products

Walnuts, pistachios, cashews, raisins and pumpkin seeds are high in folate, iron, protein, vitamin E and zinc. Nuts, including almonds, are small packages packed with high levels of nutrition that help improve cognitive function and academic performance in children. They work as fuel for the brain and help in improving the memory of children. They also secrete the “happy hormone” serotonin, thus keeping the child stress-free and happy. Seeds are rich in fiber and protein. Quinoa, oats, brown rice, whole grain bread, etc. contain important nutrients like fiber, carbohydrates, B vitamins, and protein. Whole grain foods are packed with nutrients and phytochemicals that have many known health benefits. Peanuts also contain high quality protein. They help reduce the risk of heart disease, blood sugar spikes and can help your teen feel full for longer, thus avoiding overeating at irregular intervals. This provides them with a continuous release of energy to the body.


Fluid needs vary depending on a child’s age, size, gender, and activity level. It is recommended to drink about 4 cups of water per day for children, 7-8 cups for children and 8-11 cups for teenagers. Part of this amount can be obtained from foods rich in water content, such as fruits and vegetables. It is important to note that along with dietary changes, intake of sweetened beverages should also be monitored. Over the years, it has been observed that sugary drinks are a major contributor to the rise in obesity and type 2 diabetes among children. Providing a complete and healthy diet containing minerals, vitamins and antioxidants along with recommended physical activity will help nourish the brain and relieve stress or anxiety. Therefore, parents should aim to provide an adequate nutritious diet, including seasonal, local options, to ensure the overall growth and development of their children.

About the Author: Prof. Nina Bhatia is an expert in the Department of Food and Nutrition, Lady Irwin College, University of Delhi. I Member of the Advisory Group, Let’s Fix Our Food Initiative I Former Senior Expert (Joint Advisor) I Women and Child Development Vertical Advisor to Policy Commission, Government of India.

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