Explained: Myths about eating sour food during menstruation

Sadly, menstruation is still taboo even among educated people. For centuries, a grandmother, nanny, or other “elder” relative in a traditional Indian household has forbidden menstruating women from going into the kitchen or temple, blaming their “impurity”. As a result, we grow up believing that menstruation is dirty and we continue to believe this and other myths. One of these baseless misconceptions is about sour food.

There are many explanations for this. Some people believe that eating citrus fruits can cause severe menstrual cramps, while others feel that eating sour foods makes the flow heavier. Others believe that sour food can quickly stop menstrual flow. But is this a reality? Let’s know.

The relationship between sour food and menstruation

Many people believe this myth, yet there is no scientific evidence that sour food is harmful to women’s health when they are on their cycle. There is no specific food that a menstruating woman should avoid. Actually, this is the time when you should eat nutritious food, sour or not. This is due to the loss of blood during menstruation, which can make you feel weak.

As a result, you should provide your body with an extra dose of wellness by eating foods that you enjoy. It is important to remember that our menstruation is controlled by hormones, not taste buds. As a result, consumption of sour foods has no effect on menstruation.

Then what should be eaten during menstruation?

If you’re one of those people who experience menstrual cramps, try one of these healthy remedies to help relieve your symptoms:


According to a 2016 research, mint tea can help relieve PMS symptoms and cramps. It can specifically treat menstrual pain, nausea and diarrhea.

foods high in iron

You bleed a lot during your period. As a result, experts recommend adding iron-rich foods to your diet to avoid deficiency. During your iron-low days, eat foods such as spinach, lentils and pumpkin seeds to supplement your iron intake.

eat more protein

When you are on your period, you need to eat a lot of protein. Be it milkshakes or yogurt, make sure you are getting enough protein in your diet. You can also consume poultry, eggs and fish. Protein can help give your body energy.

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