Explained: Smart home and its need in the modern world – Times of India

Many people argue about how difficult it is for you to get up from your bed, couch or chair, turn on or off lights, fans, or other appliances at home. Well, it totally depends from person to person and their lifestyle.
However, given modern world conditions and scenarios, at least one basic smart home setup Important for everyone. Let’s explain.
what is a smart home establish?
The term smart home is often understood as a set or group of devices connected to the Internet via an app and allowing users to control them from anywhere in the world. But that’s just one side of a smart home setup. Smart home setup is really meant to make life easier.
Imagine, you have a smart AC, washing machine and some bulbs in your house and when you are about to reach your home the AC automatically turns on and the light turns on as soon as you enter your house.
Sounds like a sci-fi movie scene, doesn’t it? All these things are actually possible through smart home setup and the good thing is that you don’t need to spend a fortune for a basic smart home setup.
Why every modern home should have a basic smart home setup
Adding a smart home setup isn’t always about spending a lot of money on it. We are talking about a basic setup here which may differ from person to person. For example, you may want your corridor to automatically light up when you come back home from work or after family dinner or a party with friends.
This is just one of the implementations. Combine it with other smart home appliances like smart ACs, refrigerators or washing machines. Considering the nuclear family where both husband and wife are working, it is good to have the option of turning on the washing machine even when you are away from home. Or see who is at the door or remotely check the surroundings via smart camera.
There can be many such scenarios, it is completely individual. But, it can be really beneficial and helps to make life easier to an extent.

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