Explained: What are deepfakes and how to identify one? – times of India

While artificial intelligence (AI)-generated fake videos that can easily manipulate regular users are now a common practice, these videos have emerged as modern computers have become much better at simulating reality. For example, modern cinema relies heavily on computer-generated sets, scenes, characters, and even visual effects. These digital places and props have replaced physical places because these scenes are hardly indistinguishable from reality. One of the latest common things in computer imagery, deepfakes One person in a recorded video is designed by AI programming to look like another.
What are deepfakes?
The term “deepfakes” is derived from a form of artificial intelligence called deep learning. As the name suggests, deepfakes use read or learn attentively To create photos of fake events. Deep learning algorithms can teach themselves how to solve problems involving large sets of data. This technique is then used to swap faces in video and other digital content to create realistic-looking fake media. Moreover, deepfakes are not limited to videos only, this technique can be used to create other fake content like images, audios etc.
how do they work?
There are several methods for creating deepfakes, however, the most common relies on using a deep neural network that includes autoencoders to implement the face-swapping technique. Typically, these are built on a target video that is used as the basis for deepfakes and then the AI ​​uses a collection of video clips of the person you want to target to replace the actual person in the video. Huh.
Autoencoder is a deep learning AI program that can study multiple video clips to understand what a person looks like from different angles and situations. By finding common features, it maps and replaces the person’s face with the one in the target video.
generative adversarial network (GAN) is another type of machine learning that can be used to create deepfakes. GANs are more advanced because they make it harder for deepfake detectors to decode them because it uses multiple rounds of detection and rectification of flaws in deepfakes. Experts agree that as technology develops, deepfakes will become more sophisticated
Nowadays, it is even easier for beginners to create deepfakes as many apps and software help them to create them. GitHubA software development open source community, is also a place where a large amount of deepfake software can be found.
How do you detect deepfakes?
Online users have also become more aware and accustomed to detecting fake news. To enhance cyber security, more in-depth counterfeit detection techniques need to emerge to prevent the spread of misinformation. Previously, deepfakes were detected in the blink of an eye in a video. When a subject never blinks or blinks repeatedly or unnaturally, the video is likely to be a deepfake. However, newer deepfakes were able to overcome this problem. Another way to detect deepfakes is by monitoring skin, hair or faces that may seem blurry compared to the environment in which they are placed and the focus may seem unnaturally soft.
Sometimes, the deepfake algorithm retains the lighting of clips that were used as models for fake videos. Poorly matched lighting in the target video can also give a deepfake. If the video is fake and the original audio has not been manipulated so carefully, the audio may not match the person.