Explainer: Former US President Jimmy Carter will remain in the care of Dharamshala for the rest of his life, know what it is ..

Former US President Jimmy Carter has turned 98. He was elected President in the 1976 election and then served as the 39th President of the United States from 1977 to 1981. Carter was honored by the influential President of America, he was also awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 2002. He is the oldest former US President and also the oldest Nobel Peace Prize winner. He currently resides in Georgia with his wife, Roslyn.

Jimmy Carter, just two years away from turning 100, has decided to spend the rest of his life in hospice care. Let’s know, what is this hospice care..

-Actually, terminally ill or elderly people authorize this care, in which more emphasis is placed on mental and spiritual alternatives than hospital confinement, being in the midst of one’s own family.

Let me tell you, in the year 2015, Jimmy Carter’s cancer complaint has got stuck, which had spread from liver to brain. However, he was later declared cancer free. Carter has announced that he no longer needs treatment.

At the end of life, people want to be with their loved ones while in the hospital, they have to live completely on the basis of snap and nurse.

In hospice care, instead of doctors, the responsibility of care rests with the family or ordinary people. The privacy of the patient is also maintained in this. Carter will die at his home in Ye Care.

In hospice care, the subtleties and subtleties of the relationship related to the medical aspects are specially monitored. There is an attempt to keep the body fit for age-appropriate decisions, identification medicines and measures like physiotherapy.

– In fact, Jimmy Carter has been repeatedly hospitalized due to old age. He lives among his near and dear ones and also takes full care of his health, so he has decided to live in Dharamshala.

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