Fact or Myth: Should we eat eggs, chicken and fish in summer?

It’s a popular belief that foods like eggs, chicken and fish generate heat in the body, cause acne, cause indigestion and discomfort, and are not good for overall physical health during summer. Many people go to the extent of completely cutting these foods out of their diet during the hot season. Are these summer foods really that bad for us? Is it true or just a myth? If you want to know the truth, experts have answered it for us.

Is it good to eat eggs, chicken and fish in summer?

Nutritionist Nmami Agarwal has answered this always troubling question in an Instagram post. “It is a misconception that eating eggs, chicken and fish in summer can be harmful to health,” she says, adding that these foods provide essentials. vitamins And minerals that energize the body do not reduce weight. Nmami Agarwal admits that “Eggs can generate heat in the body, but if eaten in moderation can prove to be an excellent nutritious food.” You should know that egg is a powerhouse of many nutrients and egg yolk should not be ignored even in weight loss diet. The yolk alone contains about 90 percent of an egg’s calcium and iron.
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The benefits outweigh the negatives when it comes to eating non-veg in summers. Eggs, chicken and fish are rich in lean protein, fiber. omega 3 fatty Acids and other nutrients, which provide high nutrition to the body and also promote weight loss. Due to their high nutritional profile, these foods are also known to improve brain health, regulate blood pressure, and promote healthy bones and teeth.

So, can we eat eggs, chicken and fish in summer?

Nmami Agarwal concluded, “It is perfectly fine to consume these foods in summer, though in moderation.”
Nutritionist Meher Rajput supports this, “While foods like eggs can generate heat in the body, they also provide nutrients like protein, calcium, iron, phosphorus, zinc, vitamins D and A.” All these nutrients not only keep the body fit and healthy, but also reduce appetite and prevent fatigue while improving the body’s immunity.
Nutritionist Mehr Rajput also cautions that it is okay to have two eggs a day during summers. Excess of this can increase the body temperature and cause stomach problems.

Can eggs, chicken and fish be eaten together?

There is no reason why not. You should continue to eat eggs, chicken and fish (together if you wish) in the summer, just limit your intake to a small portion per day or a few large servings a week. But it is advisable to consult your doctor before making any major changes in your diet.