Family arrives in Scotland after doctors expressed concern about Queen Elizabeth’s health

LONDON: Buckingham Palace has said Queen Elizabeth II is under medical supervision as doctors are ‘concerned for Her Majesty’s health’, media reports have said. The 96-year-old Queen is Britain’s longest-reigning monarch and the world’s oldest monarch. According to reports his immediate family is traveling to be with him.

The Queen has been suffering from what Buckingham Palace called an “episodic mobility problem” since late last year, Reuters reported. The same report said, the Queen has since been forced to cut back on her public engagements and on Wednesday, she canceled a planned virtual meeting with senior ministers after her doctors advised her to rest.

A statement issued by the palace said: “Following further evaluation this morning, the Queen’s doctors are concerned for the Queen’s health and have advised her to remain under medical supervision. The Queen is at rest and in Balmoral (Scotland) lives.”

Earlier on Tuesday, Conservative Party leader Liz Truss She was formally appointed as Britain’s new prime minister by Queen Elizabeth II, becoming the country’s third female prime minister. Truss traveled to the non-princess monarch’s Balmoral Castle residence in Aberdeenshire, Scotland, to meet with the Queen, who formally asked her to form a new government.

Opinion polls have shown that despite being on the throne for 70 long years, and even though her reign has had many ups and downs, Queen Elizabeth II is still extremely popular and respected among the British people. Meanwhile, in 2021, in a shocking first document, documents revealing details of what will happen after the death of Britain’s Queen Elizabeth II Giving information about the extent of the massive operation to be launched in the hours and days following the incident were leaked. Buckingham Palace officials declined to comment on the leak at the time. Details were leaked with US-headquartered news organization “Politico” detailing what would happen under the codename “Operation London Bridge”. Also, it is learned that officials will refer to the day of the Queen’s death as “D Day”.

(with agency input)