Fear of inflation, rising unemployment in India: Rahul Gandhi at Congress rally

Indian National Congress (INC) leader Rahul Gandhi on Sunday said the “fear of inflation” and rising unemployment in the country have led to an increase in hatred among people. The Wayanad MP was speaking at the ‘Mehangai Par Halla Bol’ rally being organized in the national capital. The rally comes ahead of the opposition party’s 3,500-km ‘Bharat Jodi Yatra’ from Kanyakumari to Kashmir from September 7, highlighting issues of rice and unemployment, and promoting communal harmony.

Rahul And many party leaders addressed the rally. It was attended by party workers from Delhi, Haryana and Uttar Pradesh besides other parts of the country. Slogans of ‘Rahul Gandhi Zindabad’ and ‘Sonia Gandhi Zindabad’ echoed as soon as thousands of Congress supporters reached Ramlila Maidan to raise their voice against inflation and unemployment.

The Congress leader launched an all-out attack on the Modi government at the ‘Mehengai Pe Halla Bol’ rally at Ramlila Maidan, saying the government has blocked the way for the opposition to speak in Parliament, and “the only way for us is to talk directly to the people”. And tell the truth of the country to the people and listen to them.”

Here are the updates of Rahul Gandhi’s speech

-‘The fear of inflation is increasing unemployment in the country and hatred is increasing; Hate weakens the country’

-‘Hate in the country, fear benefits two industrialists, BJP is working for their benefit’

Brought ‘Three Black Agriculture Laws’ not to help farmers, but to benefit 2-3 industrialists: Rahul Gandhi.

The condition of the country is such that it cannot give employment to its youth if it wants. People facing a lot of difficulties, and when the opposition tries to raise their voice in Parliament, the Modi government does not allow it.

Pressure on institutions like media, judiciary, election commission; Government is attacking all of them: Rahul Gandhi

Ever since the BJP government came to the Centre, hatred and anger is increasing in the country.

‘Bharat Jodi Yatra’ is important because we have to go straight to the people and tell them the truth.

– against someone Modi is attacked; Enforcement Directorate (ED) was made to sit in office for 55 hours, but want to tell PM, I am not afraid of your ED.

BJP-Sangh leaders divide the country, deliberately create fear, hatred. Prime Minister Narendra Modi is spreading hatred, fear in India; This will benefit the enemies of our country.

– ‘Two Indias have been made – one of the poor, farmers, unemployed and the other of a few selected industrialists’

Congress unites the country, removes hatred and fear and when this happens the country moves forward.

– ‘Constitution is the soul of the country, every Indian has to work towards saving it, otherwise the country cannot be saved’

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