Feminist group protests topless against Russian invasion of Ukraine

Feminist group Femen holds a topless protest in Paris against the Russian invasion of Ukraine. With the colors of the flag of Ukraine on their bodies, 50 activists gathered on the Champs-de-Mars in front of the Eiffel Tower. The group which was established in Ukraine is now based in France. Women protesting in Paris wrote slogans like #StopPutinsWar and #PutinWarCriminal on him. Video The protest was tweeted by the media company Visegrad 24. In his website, Femen wrote: “Vladimir Putin is currently taking all of Ukraine hostage, civilians being killed and tortured. They can’t run away. Putin is erasing a country from the map.” “

The group demanded that Ukraine be integrated into the European Union. “The only crime of the Ukrainians today is to fight for their independence, for their desire to be free and sovereign in their country. We must react strongly to the utter violence perpetrated by a dictator with imperial ambitions, whose trademark is confrontation and repression. Today, by declaring war on Ukraine, Putin is above all declaring war on democracy,” Feiman said in a statement.

The group has been organizing topless protests against sexism, sex tourism, homophobia and other issues since its formation in 2008. Women was formed when stories of sexual abuse of Ukrainian women began to surface abroad. In 2013, five members of the group surrounded Russian President Vladimir Putin at the Hanover trade fair.

The World Health Organization has said that attacks on hospitals, ambulances and other health facilities have increased in Ukraine. More than 1.7 million people have fled Ukraine since Russia launched its full-scale offensive on February 24, according to the latest UN figures on Monday. UNHCR, the United Nations refugee agency, recorded 1,735,068 refugees on its dedicated website, 200,000 more than the previous count on Sunday. The United Nations children’s agency UNICEF believes that about half of them are young people.

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