Feng Bin, the man who first reported the outbreak of COVID-19 in China, is released from prison after 3 years

Washington: Fang Bin, who spent more than three years in prison documenting the initial Covid outbreak in the Chinese city of Wuhan, has finally been released, CNN reported, citing a family member. Bin suddenly disappeared after sharing videos of the ground situation in the city of Wuhan, the epicenter of the original outbreak, as officials try to suppress the true extent of the global emergency.

On Sunday, he was released from prison and was in Wuhan, according to a family member who said his health had deteriorated during his years in prison. According to a CNN report, his videos posted on social media in early 2020 exposed the realities of the deadly spread of the virus, contradicting the official narrative presented on China’s tightly controlled state media.

Authorities locked down the city of Wuhan on January 23 of that year, but there was a period of about three weeks between when health officials announced a mysterious disease and confirmed it was spreading among people. In one video, Bin was seen showing the corridors of the hospital crowded with patients and their desperate relatives.

During one segment, he counts body bags piled into a van – images that attracted significant attention in China, where the public was desperate to understand what was happening in the epicenter city. CNN reported that in his final video, Feng recorded people coming to his door to ask questions and that his home was surrounded by plainclothes policemen.

In his last video, Fang can be heard saying, “Let’s rebel – bring the power back to the people.” Then, he disappeared. Feng’s relative told CNN that he was charged with “fighting and inciting trouble” and was sentenced to three years in prison.

This charge is commonly used to silence activists and critics of the government. CNN was not able to independently confirm details of Feng’s case, including whether he was formally charged or the circumstances of his release. The Wuhan Public Security Bureau did not respond to repeated phone calls from CNN. The Justice Ministry in Beijing did not immediately respond to a faxed request for comment.