File the case against Fortis Healthcare, $6.5 billion in damages; To find out

File a case against Fortis Healthcare and other adversity. (symbolic picture)

New Delhi:

Non-vegetarian phoresis Atmospheric (Fortis Health Care) ‘infected’ Mars as a unit and vice versa. False testimony. The corporation reported to the stock market that the Trust Emcury’s network has 28 impedance diseases and 21 contrarian halos for networks in the District of New Jersey and including IHHH Connected Varahad.

this also further

In case of wrongly applied, wrongly applied as well as wrongly applied. Cases claim 6.5 billion billion more.

In the case of insurance, the ‘Hague Service’ would need to be checked. Dasvez Nevez Ushilkha has been done to the defendants and those working from Tut Amene of this multilateral group.

In case of spoilage it is said, ‘Controls the company. After doing this will do the same thing after fixing it.

According to the score obtained, marks will be given.

(Line for the headline, this kind of team said the team, it’s Cindy said Dr.
