Final verdict in Jiah Khan suicide case expected on April 28

Jiah Khan was found dead on June 3, 2013 at her Juhu home.


After almost ten years in the suicide case of Bollywood actress Jiah Khan, a special CBI court is likely to pronounce its verdict on April 28. Special CBI Judge AS Sayyed heard the final arguments of both on Thursday and reserved his decision in the matter.

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Jiah (25), an American citizen, was found dead on June 3, 2013 at her Juhu home. Later, on the basis of a letter, the police arrested actor Sooraj Pancholi. According to the letter, a case was registered against Pancholi for allegedly ‘abetment to suicide’ of the actress.

However, in 2021, a special court had given its verdict in this matter. Zia’s mother Rabia Khan, a key prosecution witness, told the court that she believed it was a case of murder and not suicide. The Bombay High Court had last year dismissed a petition by those seeking a fresh look into the matter.

During her testimony, Rabia had told the court CBI that she was with Suraj Zia. He had said that neither the police nor the CBI could prove by confirming ‘legal evidence’ that his daughter had committed suicide. Prashant Patil, appearing for Sooraj, said, “First completed the final arguments on merits as well as facts today (Thursday) in the matter of Suraj Pancholi Vs CBI.

“We vouch for the Supreme Court as well as some landmark judgments of the Supreme Court as to how the present case does not fall under the category of abetment to suicide. Now the final decision in this matter will be taken (on April 28). Suraj Pancholi is out on bail in this case.

(This news has not been edited by ANDITV team. It is published directly from the syndicate.)