Flowers of War: Ukraine smiths guns, turns ammo into art

MIkhalev, who trained as a welder, lives and works in a house whose fence and doors are decorated with forged flowers and vines.

He started the project when a friend brought him broken machine guns. A month later, he exhibited his martial arts at the Donetsk Museum. Since then, he has been continuously making what he calls “flowers of war”. In addition, he makes a stand for writing from parts of a grenade launcher and cartridge case.

Photo: AP

Mikhalev is constantly creating what he calls “flowers of war”.

Photo: AP

Adorned with dozens of religious symbols from floor to ceiling, the workshop smells of iron and paint.

Photo: AP

In his workshop are piles of half-burnt machine guns and shells from the front lines of the war. Friends and acquaintances bring them as raw material for their art.

Photo: AP

Mikhalev makes art as a memento, a memento of the war in eastern Ukraine.

Photo: AP

“Real flowers won’t last long, and my roses will become a reminder for a long time to come,” says Lohar.

Photo: AP

He started the project when a friend brought him broken machine guns.