FM says Taliban government will not allow terrorist attacks on others – Times of India

Kabul: The foreign minister in Afghanistan’s new Taliban-run cabinet said on Tuesday that the government was committed to its promises not to allow terrorists to use its territory to attack others.
first press conference Aamir Khan Muttaki Since the Taliban formed an interim government a week ago, governments around the world – and many Afghans at home – are looking for signs that it is going to be in action after toppling a US-backed government a month ago and capturing Kabul. How will he rule Afghanistan?
The US and its allies implored the Taliban not to repeat their harsh 1990 regime, when it monopolized power and imposed harsh interpretations of Islamic law, including severe restrictions on women and minorities.
Mottaki gave little indication as to whether the Taliban would succumb to international pressure. He would not say how long the interim government would last or whether it would eventually be opened up to other groups, minorities or women.
He repeatedly insisted that other countries should not interfere in Afghanistan’s internal issues, including answering a question about whether elections would eventually take place.
Mottaqi, a longtime Taliban negotiator, last year made the first confirmation by a member of the new government of his commitment to a Taliban deal with the United States, which opened the way for a US withdrawal from Afghanistan. Under the agreement, the Taliban promised to break ties with al-Qaeda and other terrorist groups and ensure that they would not threaten other countries from their territory.
“We will not allow anyone or any group to use our soil against any other country,” he said.
During their rule in the 1990s, the Taliban harbored al-Qaeda and its chief Osama bin Laden. After the group’s refusal to hand them over after the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks in the United States, the US launched its attack on Afghanistan, driving out the Taliban and leading the ensuing 20 Years’ War.
The Taliban, who entered Kabul and toppled the US-backed on 15 August, have come under heavy international criticism when they formed an interim government composed entirely of Taliban members, despite previous promises to be more inclusive. Were. Afghans and governments around the world fear the Taliban will impose the same rules as when it last took power in the 1990s, enforcing a harsh interpretation of Islamic law.
Asked whether the Taliban would include women or minorities in the government, Mottaki said, “We will take a decision on time,” without making any promises. He underlined that the government was interim and that “we will take into account what the people want” when a permanent government is formed, although he would not give a timetable for a permanent government.
“We are taking everything step by step. We have not said how long this cabinet will last.
Governments around the world have said that until a more inclusive government is in place in Afghanistan, it will not be recognized. The United Nations now faces a dilemma as it prepares to launch the United Nations General Assembly. Several Taliban ministers, including Mottaki and the prime minister, are on the UN’s blacklist of so-called international terrorists and terrorist financiers.
Mottaki urged the United Nations to move swiftly to remove the leaders from the list, saying “there is no logic in the list.” The cabinet also includes Sirajuddin Haqqani, who is wanted by the FBI as well as being on the UN blacklist for questioning in connection with attacks in the Afghan capital over the past two decades.
When the Taliban last ruled, the United Nations refused to recognize their government and instead gave the seat of the United Nations to the previous, warlord-dominated government of President Burhanuddin Rabbani, who was killed in 2011 by a suicide bomber. was killed.
This time it is unclear whether the seat will be saved for President Ashraf Ghani, who fled the capital after the Taliban reached the gates of Kabul. His departure came as a blow to the political leadership in Kabul, including former President Hamid Karzai and the government’s chief negotiator Abdullah Abdullah, who were still negotiating with the Taliban to form an interim government.
Mottaki said the Taliban-led government wanted good relations with countries around the world but stressed that they should not interfere in its affairs. “Afghanistan is poor. It needs all the help the world can give” and promises it will be delivered without corruption, calling for international donors to send more aid. He has asked international banking institutions for their projects. urged to return to Afghanistan to continue.
He also said that all Afghan embassies operating abroad have been asked to continue their operations. He promised that Afghans would be allowed to leave the country and said it was the job of the Taliban government to provide passports to its citizens.


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