Food for thought from the Global Hunger Index

India has slipped this year down the Global Hunger Index (GHI), ranking 101 out of 116 countries, lagging behind its South Asian neighbours. The government has rejected the report’s ‘unscientific’ methodology. The mint number explains:

What is the controversy about GHI?

The Hunger Index ranks countries on four indicators: share of the malnourished population, stunting and wasting among children, and child mortality. India’s overall score has improved since 2012, compared to last year’s figures, but its rank has fallen. India’s rank fell due to poor scores on under-5 wasting (from 15.1% in 2012 to now 17.3%) and malnourished Indians (15.3% from 15%). The government says the undernutrition score is based on a “four-question” telephonic opinion poll conducted by Gallup, and does not reflect ground reality. But the publisher of the report denies this.

Is the undernutrition score based on a survey?

That particular number at GHI is based on a 2021 Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) report. Indeed, some FAO data rely on Gallup polls, but undernutrition is not one of them. This data is based on several indicators, one of which is the FAO’s “Food Balance Sheet”, which estimates the share of the population with inadequate access to calories. The government is upset that the score does not reflect the welfare work done during the pandemic. But the GHI undernutrition figures reflect the annual average for 2018–20, and the stunting and wasting figures are for 2016–20.

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progress sheet

Are there any limitations with the index?

Yes. First, the FAO’s undernutrition data uses a similar calorie benchmark, which experts say has its own problems. Second, the scores are not comparable across years, so there is no way to know whether India performed better or worse in 2021. Third, it will take us many years to know the exact score of India for 2021 to compare it with other countries.

How should one interpret GHI?

The GHI, like any other index, has its flaws. But this is a peer-reviewed report and there have been methodological improvements over the years. It is internationally recognized and can be used for a comprehensive understanding of the country’s performance on hunger. The findings are based on data reported by countries and multilateral organizations. The Center may dislike the report, but its own Family Health Survey for 2019-20 does not paint a good picture. GHI can help identify problems that may require policy intervention.

What has been the Centre’s response?

The government questions international reports that show slippage on socio-economic-political metrics, but celebrates those showing improvement. When it was performing well, it boosted the World Bank’s Ease of Doing Business Index. But the World Press Freedom Index and the Democracy Index, which showed India slipping, have come under close scrutiny. It is also dismissing adverse media reports, such as The Economist’s claim that India’s official Covid toll was a gross low.

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