Foods For Better Digestion: Here’s Why And How You Should Consume White Pumpkin

it is important to take care of yourself digestive Health, Many of us suffer from indigestion, flatulence, acidity, constipation and other problems. There are many home remedies for these problems. But one of the most important steps you can take is to be mindful of your diet. Choosing the right fruits, vegetables and spices is important so you can promote long-term gut health. You don’t have to opt for fancy or expensive materials. Many simple, everyday vegetables and locally available produce are its powerhouses Nutrients You need. One such example is petha or white petha. This particular vegetable is also known by other names like white pumpkin, cucumber Or winter melon. This vegetable is perhaps best known as the main ingredient of Petha, a white sweet dish from North India. Here’s why you should consider adding wax gourd to your diet:

Is White Pumpkin Good for Digestion? Benefits of Ash Gourd (Petha) for Stomach Health

  • Bottle gourd is rich in soluble fiber, which helps in healthy digestion.
  • According to nutritionist Lavneet Batra, it “promotes the growth of good bacteria, reduces indigestion-causing constipation, piles, etc., thereby keeping the colon healthy.”
  • white pumpkin is very high amount of water (about 96%). It helps in detoxifying the body and maintaining gut health.
  • This gourd is said to have alkalizing properties that can provide relief Acidity and heartburn.
  • Some research also suggests that this vegetable may help prevent ulcers.

Is White Pumpkin Good for Weight Loss?

Benefits of bitter gourd: Also known as winter melon, this vegetable can help you lose weight. photo credit: pixabay

The low carb and calorie content of bottle gourd makes it an excellent weight loss ingredient. Since it is high in fiber, consuming petha safely can help keep you full for longer and beat cravings. Petha also contains vitamin B3, which may help you stay Active Naturally. Its hydrating properties can help relieve water retention and maintain a healthy weight.
Read also: Want an easy weight loss drink? Try this delicious Kheera Chaas recipe

Other health benefits of bottle gourd:

Bottle gourd contains minerals like iron, calcium, phosphorous, zinc, copper, manganese and magnesium. Its vitamin CThe flavonoids and antioxidant content are said to boost immunity and protect your cells from damage. This veggie has cooling and detoxifying properties that enhance many bodily processes. White pumpkin may also contribute to kidney and heart health. Here’s how you can make this veggie a part of your diet:

How to consume Ash Gourd / White Pumpkin / Winter Melon / Safed Petha:

In the form of juice:


How to consume Petha: Petha juice is a hydrating and detoxifying drink that can be easily made at home. photo credit: pixabay

One of the best ways to consume this vegetable is through a simple juice. You can eat it first thing in the morning, even on a empty stomach, All you have to do is peel the veggie, cut off the white part and blend it with some water and mint. No need to add sugar, salt or any other spices. Drink this juice in its most natural form for maximum benefits.
Read also: Can Fruit Juice Harm Your Health? Avoid it in these 5 cases

As a main dish:

Apart from India, bottle gourd is a common ingredient in the cuisine of China, Japan, Indonesia, Philippines and other countries. That way, you’ll be able to find tons of delicious recipes that use white pumpkin. To begin with, why not try a South Indian recipe? Ash gourd is commonly used in the popular avial curry. Watch recipe video here, For other easy and delicious recipes you can make at home, Click here,

As a dessert:

You can also make some delicious sweets from Petha. Although adding sugar to these recipes reduces their nutritional value, they are an interesting way to consume and introduce yourself to this vegetable. An excellent option for making the famous petha would be – Click here for the recipe, You can also use white pumpkin to make a delicious pudding known as Kashi Halwa. It is indeed a festive Udupi dish. find recipe here,

Disclaimer: This content provides general information only including advice. It is in no way a substitute for qualified medical opinion. Always consult an expert or your own physician for more details. NDTV does not take responsibility for this information.