Foods to Eat and Avoid While Treating Malaria

It is that time of the year again. Monsoon showers are here to wash away all the summer woes. The arrival of the much-awaited rains has also brought a flood of infections and diseases. Malaria is one of the most common vector-borne diseases, which can prove fatal if not taken care of in time. It is associated with high-grade fever and is transmitted by the bite of the Anopheles mosquito. This mosquito transmits the parasite from one infected person to another. They eventually enter the bloodstream infecting red blood cells.

Common symptoms of malaria are:

Headache, fever, fatigue, muscle pain, back pain, chills, sweating, dry cough, liver enlargement, and vomiting.

In some cases of the more severe types, other organs are involved and severe blood loss, hypoglycaemia, kidney failure, respiratory involvement, cerebral malaria, jaundice, loss of consciousness and even death can occur. Can

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treatment of Malaria:

Treatment includes various medications as recommended by the World Health Organization (WHO) and the severity of the ongoing infection. However, there is no vaccination to prevent malaria and preventive therapy is determined by the place of origin and the advice of your doctor.

if you are infected with malarial parasites, eating a healthy diet becomes the cornerstone for a fast and healthy recovery and fighting off infection. Food fuels the body to fight off parasite attack, our immune system needs to be well fed in order to fight well. Good nutrition is an established prerequisite for a quick and safe recovery. Medicines can boost our internal system to fight back but fueling our body with healthy foods will make our system work more efficiently. When we are unwell we do not really feel like eating; So, to make it easier for you, here are some pointers that you should keep in mind when you are suffering from Malaria,

Foods to Eat While Treating Malaria

Energy-giving foods

Simple sources of carbohydrates that don’t require much digestion and provide instant energy top the list. With low appetite and bouts of fever, you need to refuel the body fast. Glucose water, electoral, sugarcane juice, coconut water, rose or poppy seed syrup, orange Squashes are instant energy drinks that replenish fluids and provide energy. Toffee, chocolate, ice cream are other items that can be added to the list. Eating cold food also helps reduce nausea.

– Load-up on Protein

Protein is a must as our immune system feeds on protein, and foods like lentils, chicken and eggs are some of the right options to include in your diet. Lentils can be made into soups and flavored with lemon; Cakes are a great way to consume eggs when hunger strikes and need to please the taste buds. Milk, buttermilk, lassi and curd provide not only protein but also valuable minerals. Yogurt also adds probiotics, which help relieve gastric symptoms and improve taste and digestion.

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Include vitamins in your diet

Vitamins from fruits, fresh fruit juices not only support the immune system but are also good sources of energy and electrolytes. Citrus fruits help fight infection with vitamin C; Red and yellow fruits help add vitamin A, which is an important nutrient for our immune system and a powerful antioxidant. Fruits like guava combine both vitamin C and iron to help build RBCs

– have nuts and seeds

Nuts and seeds are little powerhouses of healthy fats and proteins, as well as many healthy nutrients. Give small amounts of soaked almonds, or crushed almonds in milk. They are also rich in phytonutrients, which help fight antioxidant stress caused by infection.


– herbs and spices

oregano-Infused water will help in keeping digestion healthy. Ajwain being a strong carminative, it prevents bloating and gas well. Fennel is another digestive enhancer.

Turmeric, as we all know, has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. It also boosts the immune system.

– keep yourself hydrated

Take 3-3.5 liters of clean drinking water a day to keep yourself hydrated even when you have fever. Dehydration can put you at risk of making your condition worse. So, stay hydrated!

Avoid eating while treating malaria:

– High Fiber Food

Foods with too much fiber may not sit well in your stomach, so give it a break. Whole grains, whole pulses and vegetables with tough fibers can cause gas and indigestion.

Spicy food and sauces

Avoid very spicy and rich sauces. Spicy food may sound good but it can cause a reaction due to the medicine you are taking.

– junk food

This is a no brainer! Junk food is a big taboo when you are suffering from malaria. Eating junk food can make your condition worse. Junk food is not healthy for a normal body and can wreak havoc during illness.


– Avoid caffeine

Excessive consumption of coffee, tea, or any strong caffeinated beverage can irritate your digestive system.

Diet plan for malaria patients. If you are troubled by malaria then follow this diet plan

early morning: Ajwain water + 5 raisins and 5 soaked almonds

, Tea: 1 cup with sweet biscuits

, 9 am: 2 toasts with butter and scrambled eggs/paneer bhujia + fresh coconut water

, 11 am: Fruit + curd 1 big bowl or thick lassi 1 glass

, 1 pm: Rice + Dal + Cucumber Raita

, 4 PM: Tea + Paneer Aloo Chaat/ Bread with Nut Butter/ Cake Pieces/ Besan Ke Laddus

, 6 PM: Fruit + 5 almonds + 1 tsp pumpkin seeds

, 8 pm: 1 bowl of rice pudding / semolina pudding with fried vegetables like zucchini, carrots, peas, broccoli

, 10 pm: 1 glass of milk + a pinch of turmeric and cinnamon

In any infection we may not feel like eating but we must remember that our body needs maximum nutrition to fight at that time. Eating small, frequent meals helps; It also keeps the digestive system healthy. Taking strong medicines can disturb our digestive system. Ideally, recovery from infectious diseases is faster if you eat well on a daily basis and keep your body healthy. So, eat well and be healthy!


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