For the first time in 44 years, Sri Lanka’s parliament on Wednesday directly elected the president in a three-way contest – Times of India

Colombo: Sri Lanka for the first time in 44 years Parliament will directly elect a president in a three-way contest on Wednesday, in which last-minute political maneuvering predicts a close fight between the caretaker president Ranil Wickremesinghe And dulce alhapparumaA rebel leader of the ruling party who has the support of the opposition as well as the majority of MPs from his parent party.
Wickremesinghe, Alhapparuma and Left-wing Janata Vimukti Peramuna (JVP) leader Anura Kumara Disanayake were on Tuesday proposed by lawmakers as the three candidates for the July 20 presidential election. to choose a successor Gotabaya Rajapaksa After resigning following a popular revolt against his government for mismanagement of the economy, which forced him to flee the country.
Most members of the ruling Sri Lanka Podujana Peramuna (SLPP) party were in favor of nominating Alhapparuma, the leader of their breakaway faction, to the post of President and key opposition leader Sajith Premadasa as prime minister, SLPP chairman. , J.L. Peirce said Tuesday ahead of the presidential election on Wednesday.
Although analysts here believe Wickremesinghe, 73, is the lead, the evidence for numbers in the 225-assembly doesn’t necessarily suggest it will be plain sailing. Without the support of the ruling SLPP, Wickremesinghe would be a non-starter as he only has his seat in Parliament.
Going back to the original parliamentary structure in August 2020, the SLPP strength of 145 saw a reversal with 52 MPs breaking up. The total 93 later became 97, with 4 MPs returning.
Wickremesinghe needs 16 more votes to cross the magic figure of 113 in the 225-member House. He is dependent on at least 9 of the 12 Tamil party votes as well as substantial defectors from the main opposition Samagi Jana Balvegaya (SJB), most of whom are his followers who were introduced into politics by him.
In a politically significant move, the leader of the major opposition SJB, Premadasa, on Tuesday extended his support for Alhapparuma.
The SJB’s original 54 was recently down from 48 and later increased to 50 after two MPs returned. With an SJB bag of 50, Alahperuma’s own 10 MPs and 28 other SLPP breakaways, their final tally could reach around 90. So they need about 25 from SLPP.
However, the most decisive factor that could lead it to Wickremesinghe is the personal insecurity of the SLPP MPs. More than 70 of them suffered arson attacks and one was killed.
Kusal Perera, a columnist, said, “The most deciding factor will be personal safety. Even those whose homes weren’t damaged fear they might be in danger. They need someone who can make a firm decision.” can take.”
He said Wickremesinghe had shown enough intention to be able to bring the security situation under control already.
A key aide of Wickremesinghe, Vajira Abewardene, predicted the caretaker president would emerge as the runaway winner with 125 votes.
Meanwhile, SLPP President Peiris said his party’s majority was in favor of appointing Alhapparuma as president, underlining the need to highlight the voice of the people in parliament.
Peiris said the SLPP MPs have agreed to appoint 55-year-old Premadasa as prime minister.
Peirce said the two sides should come together and rule the country and implement a program to meet the aspirations of the citizens, the report said. Wednesday’s vote will also be a rare occasion when the Speaker of the House will vote.
Parliament has never voted to elect a president since 1978.
He was elected by popular vote in the presidential elections of 1982, 1988, 1994, 1999, 2005, 2010, 2015 and 2019.
The only previous occasion when the presidency fell vacant mid-term was in 1993 when President Ranasinghe Premadasa was assassinated. DB Vijetunga was unanimously endorsed by the Parliament to drive the balance of Premadasa’s tenure.
The new president will serve the remainder of Rajapaksa’s term until November 2024.
Meanwhile, security in and around the Parliament complex was beefed up on Tuesday after the Speaker filed a complaint with the Inspector General of Police, demanding a detailed probe into some provocative posts threatening Members of Parliament on social media.
Speaker’s complaint Mahindra Yapa Abhaywardene That came hours before parliament was set to accept nominations for the presidential nomination, which fell vacant after Gotabaya Rajapaksa fled the country last week and later resigned.
Police have warned that strict action will be taken against those who create, publish and circulate such threatening posts against MPs on social media.
The economic crisis followed by a popular revolt against the government also led to a political crisis in the country.
The island nation, off the tip of southeast India, needs around USD 5 billion over the next six months to meet basic needs for its 22 million people, who are battling long queues, worsening shortages and power cuts .