For Young Parents: Sudha Murthy How to Raise Your Kids

Sudha Murthy is an inspiration and inspiration for every new age parent. She is not only a businesswoman, writer and social worker but also a living guide to all those struggling to raise their children the right way.

She has talked about parenting on several occasions. Being a mother of two children, she has always used her voice to guide other parents in the right direction with the right advice. We have compiled a list of the best parenting advice that Sudha Murthy has shared with everyone.

act right in front of your kids

In a video posted by YouTube channel Momespresso, Sudha Murthy talks about the most important thing parents should do. They should act in the right way to inculcate the right habits in front of their children. If you are standing in a queue, you should patiently wait for your turn without breaking the queue, so that your kids can learn the same habit.

Teach them the value of money no matter how rich you are

In 2017, Sudha Murthy was present at Jamnabai Narsee Campus in Mumbai for an association meeting. During the meeting, she highlighted an incident when her son Rohan Murthy wanted to have his birthday party at a five-star hotel. He explained to his son that having a lot of money does not make one extraordinary. It is not a wise decision to spend thousands every year on occasions like birthdays. So use your money wherever you want, not where you want.

give space to your kids

During an interview with SheThePeople, Sudha Murthy talked about the importance of space for children. Many parents have a habit of handing everything over to their children and forcing them to do something, eat, read, etc. However, parents should give up on their children whenever they are denied something. If you feel hungry, you will eat normal food like lentils and rice. Along with this, he talked about giving space to the children when they are sad. Every person’s life has its ups and downs and so do children. So when they don’t want to talk, don’t be afraid, give them your space.

Set your child free and lead by example

Parents often force their children to read, learn new things, involve themselves in sports, excel in studies, etc. However, instead of imposing things on children, parents should let them be free and let them choose what they like. Also if they want them to indulge in reading, read a book in front of them so that they get that habit from their parents. It was a gem of advice that Sudha Murthy shared with Momespresso after the release of her book – The Serpent’s Revenge: Unusual Tales of Mahabharata.

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