Ford calls for 100% all-electric vehicle sales in Europe by 2035

The appeal emphasizes that taking fossil fuel-burning vehicles off the road is imperative for Europe to reach its goal of net-zero emissions by 2050,

Electricity from the company's manufacturing sites in Europe is already 100% renewable.
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Electricity from the company’s manufacturing sites in Europe is already 100% renewable.

Ford Europe, along with 27 companies, has appealed to the European Union (EU) to set mandatory targets for all new cars and vans in Europe to be zero-emissions by 2035 and charging infrastructure . The appeal emphasizes that removing fossil fuel-burning vehicles from the road is imperative for Europe to reach its goal of net-zero emissions by 2050 and help avoid the worst effects of climate change on people and the planet . This includes enacting legislation that establishes a standard and clear timeline for industry and suppliers to ensure the transition to electric vehicles.

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EU decision-makers are currently deciding on new clean car rules, after a proposal from the EU Commission is being appealed by companies that from 2035 only zero-emissions new cars and vans can be sold in the EU. . The European Parliament and EU governments will decide their position in June, and the final law is expected to be adopted in the autumn.

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For Ford Europe, the path towards zero-emissions vehicles is being paved by a new generation of seven, fully connected passenger vehicles and vans coming to Europe by 2024. Leading the Mustang Mach-E, which last year achieved maximum safety and green ratings from Euro NCAP and Green NCAP, and E-Transit, which received a Gold Award from Euro NCAP for its advanced driver assistance systems.


Ford Mustang Mach-E

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All electricity sourced from the company’s construction sites in Europe is already 100 percent renewable. Planned production of electric vehicles in Cologne, Germany is now expected to be 1.2 million vehicles over six years, with a total product investment of $2 billion to help bring more electric vehicles to customers in Europe. Ford’s BlueOwl charging network has more than 3 million charge points in Europe, while for Ford employees, 1,000 charging stations will be added to the company’s European sites by 2023.

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