Former NITI Aayog CEO Amitabh Kant visits India’s largest NHEV charging station in Gurugram – Times of India

Former NITI Aayog CEO Amitabh Kant visits India’s largest NHEV charging station in Gurugram

Amitabh Kant, Former CEO NITI Aayog CEO today went on the biggest tour of India NHEV Charging station commissioned by Electrify in Sector 86, Gurugram, charging station has been established as a prototype for National Highway EV Pilot to expand Ease of Doing business and take electric mobility beyond cities.
Amitabh Kanto Interacted with representatives of Electrify, Praveen Kumar and Narendra Yadav to understand the difficulties and challenges faced in commissioning more such stations.
NHEV Project Director Abhijit Sinha Told Amitabh Kant about the business model and key requirements. He says that this pilot project will continue Jaipur-Delhi-Agra India’s first and world’s longest to build 500 km e-highway.
Further, he added that on these e-highways, EVs will get automatic technical back up within 30 minutes in case of breakdown, fleet operators will get 30% lower priced EVs as the batteries come on subscription, from day one of the chargers. 30% utilization, and ensuring a breakeven period of 36-40 months for the investors.
“The concept of Electric Mobility has always been supported by NITI Aayog under his leadership. We are pleased to show that their belief in turning mobility into a sustainable business and scalable model is taking shape. We are sure that under his guidance and mentorship, NHEV will usher in a new era business model for financing e-mobility infra with optimum asset utilization on highways. Their presence in the upcoming Tech-Trial between Delhi and Jaipur from September 2022 is expected to achieve new levels of technological advancement and commercial options to make surface transport green,” says Abhijit Sinha.

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