Founded During College Days, Ajay Goyal’s Hiring Platform Erekrut Is Now Worth Crores – News18

More than 3.7 million candidates have registered on Erekrut.

According to the reports, Ajay teamed up with his father, worked on the idea, and launched a beta version of the platform going by the name of Erekrut.

There are numerous challenges in starting and successfully managing a business enterprise. There are some people, who overcome these obstacles and emerge as entrepreneurs, with their business models. One of those successful entrepreneurs is Ajay Goyal who completed her graduation from Amity University. Ajay has secured his degree in the fashion technology field. He stumbled upon a business idea of bringing recruiters, campuses and candidates on the same platform.

Ajay’s rationale behind this idea was to simplify the process of hiring. According to the reports, he teamed up with his father, worked on the idea, and launched a beta version of the platform going by the name of Erekrut. This venture became successful and he soon managed to rope in investors as well for financing his startup idea. Ajay told a media portal that presently his portal has more than 3.7 million candidates. He further said that more than 1,400 corporates and 540 universities are connected to the campus. His platform is now worth crores of rupees.

Ajay’s LinkedIn profile reads that he completed his schooling at the Modern School, Barakhamba Road. His father manages the business of hardware networking. Ajay was a member of the placement team in his college and carefully grasped all the details about the recruitment process. He was also a member of the Amity Entrepreneurship Club and his ideas were appreciated in the incubation center as well.

According to his LinkedIn profile, one of his ideas was accepted in 2019. This idea was selected under the Support for Entrepreneurial and Managerial Development of MSMEs through the Iincubators scheme. This was a strong validation of his innovative thinking. Ajay wrote that he has been a member of the Amity Entrepreneurship Club since 2018 and always encouraged innovation and growth.

Ajay Goyal also talked about some of the major plus points of his business venture. According to him, his company has the most advanced resume database. He said that the candidates just need to go through an assignment test regarding their prospective job. The candidates will get to know whether they are selected or rejected just after the test has been completed. The companies get the best-suited candidates for the vacancies via filtration. According to Ajay, 500-1000 candidates are registering for his venture daily, and more than 15,000 have participated in the assignment test.