From eggs to broccoli, definitely eat these things to increase eyesight

Our life these days cannot function without a phone or a laptop. That’s why it is very important to take care of the eyes. Here is a list of easy and quick healthy foods that will help you maintain your eyesight naturally.

green leafy vegetables

They are rich in minerals and vitamins. They support the daily metabolism of the body. They can treat redness or itching in the eyes. Green leafy vegetables are rich in lutein and zeaxanthin that help reduce macular degeneration and cataracts. You can include them in your daily diet to increase eyesight.


There is a similarity between green leafy vegetables and egg yolk. The reason is that both contain the same antioxidant which improves eyesight. They are said to be one of the best and perfect foods for healthy eyesight. Plus, consuming them during breakfast can help maintain high protein levels throughout.


Berries are rich in antioxidants and hence can improve eyesight. Citrus fruits are considered good for the eyes. They naturally help in maintaining eye health.


They are rich in Vitamin-E which not only helps in maintaining eye health but also keeps other organs healthy. Eating a handful of almonds daily improves eyesight.

fatty fish

DHA is found in abundance in fish such as mackerel, tuna and salmon. This small enzyme is also helpful for eyesight and retina. Try eating fish 2-3 times a week to see immediate results.


The presence of lutein and zeaxanthin in zucchini helps to protect the retina from the UV rays of the sun. It acts as a shield against macular degeneration and cataracts.


Broccoli is rich in sulforaphane and hence maintains eyesight. It also protects the retina from any kind of radical damage.

,DisclaimerThe health tips shared in this article are based on common practices and common sense. Readers are advised to consult a doctor before following these at home.)

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