From Fennel to Ginger: 7 Natural Home Remedies That Can Relieve Nausea

Have you ever had days when you have an upset stomach and spend days in the toilet fearing to vomit? Nausea is an abdominal condition that can physically exhaust your body, especially when you are already feeling sick. There is no one specific reason behind vomiting – many factors can cause nausea. It can also be motion sickness, acid reflux, indigestion or morning sickness. There can be many reasons for nausea, but the reasons that do not work are ways to fight the urge to vomit. We have compiled a list of easily available remedies that can help you get relief from nausea. Now, you can choose natural remedies to prevent nausea.

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Here are 7 home remedies that can provide relief from nausea:


Health coach and nutritionist Shilpa Arora suggests that chewing on fresh mint leaves can help relieve nausea. The pungent and tangy taste of mint is refreshing and cooling, which helps to soothe the stomach.

Drink ginger tea to calm your stomach.


Ginger has helped reduce stomach irritation. Ayurvedic expert Dr BN Sinha recommends drinking ground ginger mixed with water to help reduce vomiting.

read also: Home Remedies for Stomach Pain: 5 Foods for Good Digestion

3.Coconut Water

Coconut water is highly nutritious and has many health benefits. In his book on Ayurvedic Home Remedies, Dr. Vasant Lad writes, “Mix 1 teaspoon of lemon juice in a cup of coconut water and take a sip every fifteen minutes.

4. Cloves

This is a recommendation straight from our grandparents. Chewing a few cloves is a great remedy that can help prevent nausea. The aroma and taste of cloves can prevent vomiting.

5. Fennel

Fennel is popular as an after-meal mouth freshener; It contains nutrients that benefit the body. Chewing on fennel or drinking fennel tea can help to calm the stomach and control vomiting.


Cardamom can also be consumed as a tea.

6. Cardamom

Also known as cardamom, cardamom helps combat nausea. Ayurveda advises that chewing cardamom seeds can help soothe the feeling of vomiting. Another way is to eat ground cardamom mixed with honey.

7. Lemonade

Lemon juice contains neutralizing acids that form bicarbonates. Bicarbonates help relieve nausea. Hence, lemon water not only gives relief from vomiting but also prevents the body from dehydration, which is a common effect of vomiting.

Try these natural home remedies and let us know which one is your favorite in the comment section.

Disclaimer: This material, including advice, provides general information only. It is in no way a substitute for qualified medical opinion. Always consult a specialist or your doctor for more details. NDTV does not take responsibility for this information.


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