From fighters to rulers: on the Taliban

India should use its voice on the international stage to give freedom, respect for rights to Taliban

Taliban spokesmen have said that they have postponed the announcement twice. Hope for new government in Afghanistan This week. There has been some speculation over the delay, more than three weeks after Taliban gunmen broke into Kabul and President Ashraf Ghani fled. While some have said that the Taliban were waiting to take control of the last hold-out province of Panjshir, others have also suggested that there was some symbolism associated with the timing of the 20th anniversary of 9/11, the real reason. Different factions of the Taliban seem to differ on the structure and structure of the government. In particular, differences between the Taliban leadership in Helmand, Kandahar, and the political office in Doha are seen as having a more “moderate” face, as well as between the “original” Afghan Taliban leadership and the Pakistan-based Haqqani network. Designated terrorist unit. Jockeying is reportedly on cabinet portfolios, the appointment of governors in 34 provinces, control of cities and the possibility of involving non-Taliban Afghan leaders. Reports of differences have intensified and Pakistan ISI chief Lt Gen Faiz Hameed’s presence in Kabul is believed to be an attempt to bridge the rift in government formation. There is a conflict between the Taliban’s push to strengthen its takeover of Afghanistan based on differences and implement an Islamic agenda, and its desire to gain recognition from the international community and its continued financial support.

News Analysis: Panjshir Valley falls into Taliban hands as new power struggle emerges in Afghanistan

The outcome is the key not only to Afghanistan’s future but also to New Delhi’s engagement with the new government. Any government that gives the Haqqani group a key position would make it difficult for India to play a role in diplomacy or development projects in Afghanistan, given past terror attacks. Any open role for Pakistan as well as China will also raise red flags for New Delhi. The Modi government has announced that it is now engaging the Taliban, with the first publicly acknowledged meeting in Doha last week; The MEA says it expressed concern over the safety of Indians in Afghanistan and ensured that Afghan soil is not used for attacks in India. Any further engagement with the Taliban depends on the composition of the new power structure and how responsive the new government in Afghanistan is to international expectations in terms of representation, authority and allowing UN agencies to monitor developments. For this, India should make tremendous use of its voice on the international stage. This includes preventing any move at the UNGA and UNSC to recognize the new regime, and withholding or exempting Taliban leaders from the 1988 Sanctions Committee, chaired by India, as long as the Taliban regime is required to comply. does not show desire.


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